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      What is found on the following web page is not fiction or something from an Indiana Jones riddle.  The information herein is also not found on any other website.  It involves TRV, a new frontier of psychic accoutrements on a timescale of the future as well as the past.  

      Unhinge your mind from mortal hearsay, preconceived notions of what technical remote viewing (TRV) may or may not be, and take a journey on endless paths beyond the thoughts and journeys of archeologists, astronomers and other scientific minds, and enter the inter-dimensional mind.  Is it possible?

      History can sometimes be aloof, and it may take an historian to remind us where we have travelled before.  Take this example, of the night of March 30, 2001about 10 years before the 2011 recession-depression, when we find a night with a glow most memorable, especially if you were in a part of the country where it was visible to the eye, the night the skies of North America, and many other parts of the world, were painted with dazzling shimmering colors. 

      Too bad if you lived like in Los Angeles or Detroit, New York, Chicago, you were socked in by clouds.  Unlinked in history was a night when a giant sunspot from the Sun created all this.  The point is that the giant sphere of our Sun is vital to the new stories found in Alert For The Times, Book of Secrets, an ebook written by historian Robert C. Valentine.   You will find many historical links within the digital book, such as James Jancik of Feet to the Fire from Chicago,  and Art Bell in Nevada, George Noory, names familiar to Coast To Coast AM listeners, involving research many years in the making.  And, we take you back, back in time some 20 years and more involving endless paths of information not found elsewhere.   This includes the unusual story of March 30 and CMEs (below from AM radio).   













Major Dames is executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group.  He formerly directed Psi Tech and is retired. Remember these names? Mission Impossible, I Spy, 007 James Bond, the older Secret Agent or Mission Impossible fighting subversives and the Soviet-era bad guys?  Part of Maj. Dames' life story in relation to TRV is described here and he is the real deal, although mainly electronic warfare counter spying.  He is a decorated military intelligence officer primarily in electronic warfare, training and operations officer in espionage, biological case officer, and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He was a technical consultant for the feature film Suspect Zero, (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), and he also played the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie.

    Please note, an ebook and book have more information than is presented here.   It fills the world of the bizarre.  

Spectacular Mar 30, 2001
Aurora in Italy.png
dazzling Aurora.png

      A most profound prognostication he ever made was a strange one, involving the chilling story of a Boeing 767 jetliner that crashed 60 miles south of Nantucket, Massachusetts, in October of 1999 killing all 217 aboard.  During the night of Thursday, November 11, 1999, Maj. Dames appeared on Art Bell’s radio program, Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell.  This 5-hour program was heard Monday through Friday live in the late evening, 10 pm PST.  It is now under the helm of George Noory.  Maj. Dames had foreseen the destruction of the jet.  What follows is only a synopsis...BUT IF YOU really want the full information and all the news scoops to your heart's content, complete with informative videos, his story is offered in Alert For The Times, Book of Secrets in avid detail. The digital ebook version runs in the neighborhood of 12 Mb, and all the latest updated information is now available.  Almost 50 years ago, the subject TRV, short for Technical Remote Viewing, had been secretive, nestled under a government program.   Other books on the market describe and center on the distant relatives, like coordinate remote viewing etc.

     Do you remember July 23, 2014?









Sunburst CME.png

   A history of Technical Remote Viewing and Major Dames

      During the course of the author’s research—Robert C. Valentine—on Maj. Ed Dames and remote viewing which spans 27 years, there have been quite a variety of topics put on file.  The actual book has an aspect that is more chronological than is presented here.  We shall concentrate on only five: a strange fungus, the weather, COVID-19, EgyptAir Flight 990 and the Ukraine crisis, including opening the door to the strangest anti-drone weapons you could imagine.  The following anecdotes are just briefs, and in no way warrant what is inside the book, which is a million times more rich in detail.   You shall also see, what Maj. Dames had to say about COVID-19.  

    Pictured below alongside Major Ed Dames is the brother of the author, George, and to the right is Robert

endless time Geo-MajDames-Robert.gif

    The flight of a giant jet that crashed in 1999: EgyptAir Flight 990 (cont)

   From the world of parapsychology labs, we bring you a story about the fight and take-over of a giant jet that crashed late 1999.

    “There was a violent altercation in the cockpit, Art.

    One of the crew members, or it could have been a flight attendant attacked the pilot from behind.   There was a very violent altercation [that] followed, part of members of the crew tried to hold down a single individual, but the individual got up again. And started essentially...went postal in the cockpit, that is why when the cockpit voice recorder is retrieved, you will hear that in the recorder...”

    The quote above was made by Maj. Ed Dames on November 11, 1999, between 11 and 11:30 pm PST BEFORE the flight recorder was retrieved from a crashed EgyptAir Flight 990.  The following educational video is included for a better understanding of this event, assisted by the information gathered from the flight recorder, which was found from the deep of the Atlantic several days later after Nov. 11.   This was an exceptional example of alerting the public before the investigators made their public findings.  [Note: Rivets to be inspected for damage?  Yes, but according to the NTSB, 767 aircraft have provisions for such things to avoid a crash, and there is the account of the flight officer repeating over and over, when he was still alone in the cockpit <I rely on Allah.>   See also The Atlantic Monthly, November 2001 issue.]  

     Major Dames is not some seer who predicts the future or intuitive who brings astonishing revelations.   On some things it must be said he has been incorrect; he has been chillingly correct on others.   He is of the belief the ozone conditions will continue to deteriorate so bad, the structure of our society changes radically. 

     Since 1995, Maj. Dames, recipient of the Legion of Merit from the U.S. Army, paratrooper, a biological case officer, specialist in bio-electronics and bio-chemical warfare, has been publicly predicting earth changes.   Since 1996 he has spoken about wild, rapacious winds to come down on deck, with the strength of a tornado or hurricane but, in reality not from a tornado or hurricane. 

     Is it invented?   Is it amazing?   He warned to be on our guard. 

     From October 12, 1996, Maj. Dames has been making announcements about what to watch out for, and the author has been monitoring him every step of the way.  It is set forth in the wonderfully informative ebook:  Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets.  The updated version after 27 years in deep research is available.  People, moreover, do not compute that there is a difference between remote viewing moving people and something ecologically large.   The information is so fantastic, nobody else has conveyed it, and that is what makes this 370+page digital book unique. 

      September, 28, 2001: “We are better than the best natural psychics who have ever lived at what we do.... ” Major Ed Dames

Maj. Ed Dames

   Remote Viewing and a new plant fungus 


     Maj. Dames made a most bizarre prediction in April of 1998, when he revealed a new genus of plant fungus would begin to sweep the world.   About 13 days before Father Malachi Martin appeared as a guest on Coast To Coast AM, during the night of April 24-25, 1998, the author was able to record what Dames told Art Bell on the air on Coast To Coast AM, and he stated that this new plant fungus “appears to accelerate the growth of fungi.”   He also said that the African fungus, a particular matter in the atmosphere over Africa will affect food crops, not animals.  It later became known as Ug99, which is an amazing complex form of blight, Wheat Stem Rust.  A horrible devil of a disease that is eating the whole plant.  We in America may take food for granted however, in places like India, something that affects plants like wheat, which India is the second largest producer of wheat in the world and a foundation of Indian substanance, Ug99, if left unchecked, can reverse everything that Dr. Norman Borlaug accomplished. 

Date: April 8, 1999 Extra From: Fox News Science Tech section: “A new mutated form of the stem rust fungus, a disease... reappeared suddenly several weeks ago at” a farm in the rainy highlands of Uganda, as discovered by a research group of scientists from Mexico.  The reappearance of the wind-borne spores which grow on plant stems threatens a genetic fix introduced in the 1950s and 1960s.  


   This killer rustlike fungus— has already spread from Africa, as Maj. Dames told us over 23 years ago that it would.   Author Valentine has the actual recording that Dames made back in 1998.  That despicable blight is called Ug99, and that is revealed for you in the ebook.  This is something that the team of remote viewers led by Maj. Dames clearly foresaw as a future event—just like the Fukushima Japanese earthquake and nuclear disaster that was predicted years before it even occurred.   A powerful report on the nuclear disaster is also found in this interview from March 31, 2016 heard on Coast To Coast, when Linda Moulton Howe was interviewed by George Noory--if you can find it, it is worth your while--the repercussions have not abated.  A fungus that has evolved—for over 20 years—that most Americans don’t know about?   A mutation that almost no wheat crop can resist the horrible destruction?  


*Do you remember the year 2004? It was severe in tornadoes, cyclones, hurricanes and straight-lined winds.   Were 2005, 2006, 2007, or 2023 all the same in terms of winds?  2004 seems to be an unforgetable and notable year in terms of winds.

     Instead of sticking to special contracts with wealthy clients or military intelligence, Maj. Dames expanded into the avenue of the biosphere. 

     The source of Maj. Dames’ predictions is technically not based on a prediction, a fragile premonition or a lucky guess.  It is not telekinesis-the ability to move objects at a distance.  The subject is Technical Remote Viewing (TRV). The pathway for technical remote-viewing involves brainwave frequency, a synthetic telepathy that operates around the brainwave frequency of 4-7 Hz, known as theta. 

     Since the mid-nineties, when Dames and his team had set a course to go public, he and his team had been processing the mind pattern of what the future would hold, and in terms of weather, they did not see the extremes of weather lessening.  The nature of TRV involves a dimension of once-highly-classified techniques.  Techniques once developed at SRI by pioneer Ingo Swann as far back as the 1970s, under coordinate remote-viewing.

   Technical Remote Viewing, Maj. Dames and The Year of Winds 


     Dames and company were conducting environmental studies when 20 years ago on April 10, 2004, Major Dames made a pronouncement that extreme winds would be seen in 2004.  What kind of a deal is that?  What made it so special?   Both mainstream scientists and numerous weather bureaus cannot deny the fact Maj. Dames made a statement on April 10, 2004, well before 2004 became critical, that 2004 would be the "year of winds“.  This historical point should not be muffled.  [Since 1900, typical tornado year counts hovered around 1,100 so, maybe you may think, the count went a bit above that.  If you do not know the full story, the following may shock you.]


     In 1999, historically at least 1,236 tornadoes had been reported and that was rather high, however, that was eclipsed in 2004.  

     So many people today forget that Major Dames made a pronouncement, and the Major’s pronouncement regarding 2004 that 2004 would be “the year of winds” seems to have played out as those events constituted a year of winds beyond normal.
     Before we delve into 2004, allow us to quote a person who has nothing to do with Maj. Dames or technical remote-viewing. Chief meteorologist Jack Hayes, Director of NWS said this about the howling winds and wind storms, “In my weather career spanning four decades, I've never seen a year quite like 2011....with nearly every conceivable type of weather.”


     Yes, for in 2011, despite a massive outbreak of twisters, and also other record breaking phenomena, those winds—a horrific and powerful series of record-breaking wind-stormsdid not break the record of 2004, and the record of confirmed tornadoes still stands.       

    When the year ended in 2004, the United States people had been subjected to a murderous 1,722 twisters.   In 2011, despite a massive outbreak of twisters, that record, after all these years, was not broken, as 2011 had tallied 1,704.  And, into the record books it went in second place.


The year of winds forms a record and a testament to the accuracy of Major Dames!

      I also remember going back to the year 1998 when I learned that the Astronomical Society had issued one of its first warnings to military establishments to be aware of solar flares due to Sun bursts which may blast high altitude pilots and affect radio wave communications—words echoing Maj. Dames.  Then, what followed the closing of summer of 1998?  Thousands of homing pigeons became lost in unheard of numbers.  Look up in google the early Oct. 1998 story of the pigeon race of over 1,800 birds that were part of a 200-mile homing-pigeon race from New Market VA to Allentown PA.  Or, also of another pigeon race that started in western Pennsylvania where 700 out of 900 pigeons went missing.   They are startling news of over 1800 pigeons that lost their homing instincts.  That along with bees being blinded and close to over 300 whales beaching themselves and perishing off remote coasts of the globe.  Ditto with dolphins.  At that time no one knew for sure why these stories occurred, but Major Dames did provide an answer and it is found in the fascinating new ebook.  

    On Oct 1, 1998, on Coast To Coast AM came the creepy news from Maj. Dames:  he exclaimed a remarkable strong wave of radiation, a geomagnetic Sun flare, had depressed our upper Earth atmosphere.  Its intensity was of a short duration but it was never seen before by world scientists.  

    On the West Coast of the United States, moreover, the burst turned night into day in the upper ionosphere.  But it was not from our Sun.   It was a gigantic implosion from a super dense neutron star, some 26,000 light years away, Magnetar SGR 1900+14.  Maj. Dames did not mention at first it was SGR 1900+14; he did not state, "Ladies and gentlemen we will be hit by SGR 1900+14 on so and so date."  But, he did warn us about the sun bursts and that it would grow in ugly ferocity. Although SGR 1900+14 did not smack us, thank God, it was effective as a real event, with an unnatural timing.  Can you imagine that?    Something so far away, like 26,000 light years away and still having us feel the timing?
    Is is merely some Doomsday implantations?  

    This is all chronicled in a book that seems to be too amazing to be believed—another indication of something Maj. Dames on Coast To Coast AM has tried to warn people beforehand, and revealed in Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets. 

    Despite the fact recent historical developments are propelling weather-related news to the forefront, it seems people, unfortunately, are making it out to be only a global warming picture.  You either are for it or against it.      Bingo, that’s how people place the ocean currents, atmosphere or the changes in Greenland and Antarctica weather picture.  The author has studied the topic of weather and climate long enough to know this.  This author  provides serious researched information that forms an unusual historical track record and that is not found anywhere in the entire world in book form.     

     All this is enumerated in the fine book.  But, whether it’s explainable by science or not, there exist a few things that have occurred and remain to this day unexplainable by science.   The sun is strangely quiescent now.   No scientist can explain why the sun exploded the way it did in March of 2001.   Nor, why another burst of energy with a killer force more powerful than every nuclear devise being detonated at once chose to do its thing on November 4, 2003.   Only by the grace of God, Earth was luckily not facing the direction of the Sun, for if it had, the repercussions are too horrible to even contemplate.   That is no fabrication.


    Author Valentine has it all chronicled in tantalizing format in his ebook.  


    It gives you a bio on Major Ed Dames and the rise of PSI Tech from the 1990s, plus the disenchanting economy and weather of our time that is not found anywhere else!--items of our modern history that are quite relevant to us. Why not order a copy?  

    Here are further examples of what readers may see in this reference document—AND it auspiciously includes the 2008: NY Thunderstorm Ground ZeroChicago 7:30 central time August 5, 2008; Hurricane Sandy, and 2021 the year of heat.  



    However, on the timetables of time, some items in the book do not involve the weather.

    On national radio on Coast To Coast AM, Jan. 1, 2005, Dames predicted that a huge quake of 9 would hit Indonesia in March.
    On March 28, it materialized.

    He warned to be on our guard. 
    He also warned about something entirely different, and that dealt with the economy. 
    Before our economy circa 2009 began to hit the skids and was in serious trouble, he warned people. 
    Where are we today? For starters see the astounding national debt.
    If you have a good paying job, do you really understand this exorbitant national debt situation?  Brilliant mathematicians tell it like it is. Part of the economic picture revolves around the unemployment rate and the food stamp numbers.
     Some accountants hope you are too dum to know it.   It is important to discern the difference on how one treats the true numbers.  According to Catherine Austin Fitts, while 39 million people are on food stamps, an unbelievable 300%+ is being spent to assist Wall Street over what is being spent to help those on the food stamp program.   And, that was before COVID-19 hit.  She related this on Coast To Coast AM to George Noory.  All these economic items and corollaries are also included in Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets.  

    The recent government statisticians lately announced the unemplyment rate fell to 6.7%.   [At one time before that CORONA hit, many mathematicians said it really was around 11.5% or above.]  The numbers are significantly higher than just 6.7% in 2020 and how close it will approach the unemployment rate of the 1930s Great Depression is still up for grabs. [Early 2022, it is stated it went below 4%, which is great news.]
    Times were terrible during the Great Depression.   Bread lines were rampant.   It was very sad when many people were at the start out of a job.   A Bing Crosby song from the 1930s:

Crosby 1930s
00:00 / 01:39

      What did Maj. Dames have to say about COVID-19?  

      The virus aka COVID-19 has been either a massive, violent scourge to many or an instrument of mass-hysteria that does not warrant that much criteria of danger.  

       It is more than painful affliction.  

       It brought death;  a killer marked by history as a potent cultural event, a bringer of sorrow and death that knew no class, race, distinction-- like war, and one of Maj. Dames' earliest prognostications on COVID-19 was treated by him as a series of warnings, that to some was akin to mere fear mongering and was more bent along hyper-media baloney.    When it was just beginning to run its dreadful course in late Spring of 2020, his spoken words can be encapsulated here.  

       It was going to bring a changed environment, he stated, in more ways than was imaginable.  Moreover, on Dec. 26, 2020 Maj. Dames issued the following on COVID-19.  This is not an imagination situation, folks. Cops not able to help you? Is that for real? [Edit note: as a corollary, look how helpless cops were regarding the Target store robberies as of 2023.] Remote viewers foresaw this not just a few years ago, but decades ago; stating even that this pandemic will make science-fiction movies look like kindergarten shows.  

        Much more is elaborated in the informative digital book. For a brief history of TRV, please scroll  down to the bottom of this web page, past the Battle of Mariupol.  In 2020, as early as March 17 when he appeared on Coast To Coast AM with George Noory, he began to speak out loudly about it.    Suffice to say, this corona virus attacks weak immune systems, and takes advantage of the weak.  Major Dames spoke about martial law, and lime pits, the importance of vitamins A and D, oil of oregano, further economic consequences, and said in March that it could be nine months before this particular pandemic peaks.  This brief link has biographical information.  He explained in this interview (3-17-2020) what the kill shot is, which is covered in minutest detail in the digital book.  He has been predicting it over many years along with the disturbances of the Sun, the global economic collapse and Fukushima.

      The PDF (below) is one little page from Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets.  

     From the author: Since I love trains, I could not pass this up.  This RR bridge is Europe’s longest bridge.  I have been privileged to have met such persons as Major Dames, Gordon-Michael Scallion, Sean Morton, Dannion Brinkley and Rev. Andrew Wingate.   Science alone cannot give you all the answers.   However, I have also learned it would be foolish to subtract science from our lives.   With the exception of the Bible, there is no official document telling us what to expect in our future.  But, the following to me is disturbing.  It is not about past history, it is about a new chapter in world history that is getting creepy and that has hit the limelight that warrants mention.  Enclosing snippets from our current and influential news media.


AND instead of mainly Olympian stories THERE WERE TROOPS,

TENSIONS, PROTESTERS, in the first half of Feb. (see PDF)


In France a protest vs COVID courtesy of BBC News.

Jan. 25  Major Ed Dames and Dr. John Curtis are interviewed by George Noory on Coast To Coast--both opinion it is inconceivable Russia would invade Ukraine. 

Feb. 14 German Battle Group heads for Lithuania Monday AP Archive news (2.36 mins).  

Feb. 16 Real Satellite source photos “over there” from The Economist (almost 10 mins).  

Claims made, no b/w answer as tensions increase   (3.46 mins courtesy of ABC News).    

Feb. 17 Russia expels U.S. deputy of mission from Moscow (1.57 mins courtesy of South China Morning Post).    

French citizens urged to leave Ukraine (1.34 mins courtesy WION) .

President Putin at this late date Feb. 16 says he does not want a war in Ukraine (2.02 mins CBS Miami). Under the perspective of historical insight and research, this video from  FRONTLINE is exceptional, titled Putin and the Presidents, and is highly recommended for its educational value. 

Feb. 18 Among others, NBC states there are 190,000 Russians on border of Ukraine. 

12 News Feb. 23 no calm over the skyline of Kjiv.  Complete opposite, courtesy of ABC World News and CBS, actual scenes of chaos and great disarray (below about two days later).  One is to commend the brave journalists and camera people who put their lives on the line to bring us actual history.  March 1, 2022, before the full encirclement, below courtesy of BBC, while diplomats in Geneva try to filter out the differences.  Correspondent Lyse Doucet reminds me  of Ed Murrow in 1940 as he reported from London.  Mr. Murrow grew up in a log cabin without electricity or plumbing, and was of Scottish, Irish, English and German descent.  

PDF below is from Feb. 18, 2022 to April 19, 2022.  On the frontline, first glimpse 2-22-22 Sky News over there.

welcome to war.png
Russian losses hvy about 1 min
00:00 / 01:14

A Narrative of a mere two Springs ago


April 24: Orthodox Easter.  May 1: Intense fighting in S.E. Ukraine continues but a new Red Cross-UN evacuation of civilians from besieged Mariupol sees new daylight—the Red Cross buses are not stopped as they head to Zaporizhzhia, 140 miles from Mariupol.  Putin and his special-temporary-draftees plan was to end late Spring of 2022, unless they re-enlist. So what could Putin be cooking?  If he calls it a "war," draftees cannot quit anymore  And, he still would have his army, tricky world.  Putin is getting desperate.  MAY 9 came and went and the "occupation" is still not called all-out-war.  3 Min video with music.  How long will it take Hollywood to make a movie out of all this?, from the common people's perspective, maybe both sides. After you see the 3 min video, find a way to play it again while you read the following, it adds pep to history.

Summer-autumn-winter of 2022: lousy military stalemate.  



What happened to the Lend-Lease Act of 2022?  Both the Senate and the House of Representatives passed it, but it turned into just a bunch of hot wind, and it expired on Sept 30, 2023 without any use of Lend-Lease .

From the beginning of the conflict Feb. of 2022 to Jan. 28, 2023, the Russian forces have lost 125,500 troops and of these 9 were Russian generals, including Major Gen. Andrei Simonov, Chief of the Electronic Warfare.   The following statistics of losses: Troops of the Russian 2nd Army, 300 war jets, 300 helicopters, over 700 cruise missiles, 250 air defense systems. 6,400 armored vehicles, 20 military ships and boats, and over 3,100 tanks.  Ukrainian forces have lost over 10,000 troops (lowest est), 3,189 tanks, 6,300 armored vehicles, 293 war jets, 285 helicopters, 221 air defense systems plus over 40,000 unarmed civilians.  Between 15 to 30 million people are refugees, estimates vary. Drones and other system losses, and casualty rates, boggle the mind as they are also high.  Both Russia and Ukraine jealously guard their casualty numbers.

This author predicts Bakhmut (which is not a sprawling port city like Mariupol) will fall, but it will be determined if Ukraine can make a strategic withdrawal and get its troops out or, hold on...latest major news, May 25: Wagner troops pulled out of Bakhmut.  Nothing official has been released from either Russian or Ukraine sources on casualty figures in the  Bakhmut sector, but all sources indicate as of Jun 9, Russia has suffered 100,000 casualties in Bakhmut, including over 20,000 dead.  Dead of Ukraine in Bakhmut 20,000 to 50,000 with total casualty figures in the same vicinity.  

From eastern Siberia, Russian forces are so desperate, they moved  up old 60-year old tanks.  Bakhmut as of 2024 is largely controlled by Russia, and since Nov. of 2022, controls some 42,000 sq miles (about 22%) of Ukraine territory, yet Ukraine has continued counterattacks. 

Dateline Jan. 25, 2023: United States promised to send 31 Abram battle tanks and Germany will send 14 Leopard 2 A6 battle tanks to Ukraine. However, it took months for full arrival--in anticipation of President Putin's claim to do a new Spring offensive on Ukraine, which he did in both 2023 and 2024. 


In addition to tanks, Ukranian forces were provided 55 mine-resistant ambush protected vehicles, 100 M113 armored personal carriers, logistics, ammunition and training on using the tanks and their critical maintenance.  The U.S. had already sent in some Bradley Fighting armored vehicles, which are superior in speed.  NBC report Feb. 13, 2023.  Same date ITV News provided great footage; both sides suffered terribly.  Heaviest battles are in the East.    Much of Ukraine 's ammunition substance were spent by mid-2024, and this was a propaganda ploy, because by early August 2024, Ukraine launched a huge counterattack into the Kursk plains region, site of great WW II battles in which the Soviet forces were victorious in 1943.

Mid-June 2024, Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin was welcomed by two Far East countries, N. Korea and VIetnam.  To most Americans, he conducted a long journey outside his country, and it might not seem important.  Putin first visited Siberia then headed east (1st 5 mins best, courtesy of CNN) with a special stop in the capital of N. Korea on June 19, 2024.  

Dateline June, 19, 2024:  On that Wednesday, as Los Angeles unveiled a new 19-story edifice to house part of their 46,000 homeless and Americans were mugged by a heat wave that stemmed from the MW to the East (Caribou, Maine, America’s most Eastern most city (near Canadian border) broke their hottest heat index at 103 deg), and the first named Atlantic storm hits the Texas coast, the world witnessed North Korea and Russia sign a Mutual Defense Pact, with an added promise to defend each other from aggression, specifically geared as anti-West. 

      It is not outside the realm of possibilities that this is similar to the pact of 1939, when the two Fascist countries of Germany and Italy signed their strategic pact, aimed against the liberal democracies of the world.  The 1939 Pact, which was called the Pact of Steel, came soon after the evil dictator, former artist, said, “Give me a piece of Czechoslovakia and I promise Nazi Germany stops there,”—that was 1938—and before the famous Tri-Axis Pact of 1940 between Berlin, Rome and Tokyo, which most students of history remember.  

I found this June 2024 tidbit of contemporary info on Youtube.  As stated, Italy has never really come to terms with its past, like the Mussolini era.  But, back to the Far East, the appalling 2024 Mutual Defense Pact held several big celebrations in Pyongyang, complete with flags, cheering crowds and goose-stepping soldiers.  I saw numerous news outlets both in the U.S. and abroad telecast the event of Pyongyang, however, I noticed one thing, they were like this one.  The actual sound was a bit turned down deliberately.   A conspiracy?  Doubtful, but like-minds showcased the event in similar tones.  This, however, has the volume as it really sounded, not muffled like the rest of the media, as I discovered (videos courtesy of BBC News, Times of India, KTLA 5, Sky News, Daily Mail, and AKIpress news; with its over 1 million subscribers.)  

      The June 19 meeting was Putin’s first visit to N. Korea in 24 years—to the date.  Dictator Kim Jong Un promised to give Russia “hundreds of thousands of artillery rounds and missiles” (manufactured in N. Korea) according to Martha Raddatz of ABC.  One must remember, Russia had over 9,000 T-72 tanks before Spring of 2022, with some 2000 active and another 3000 plus reserves of all types, and despite losing at least 2000 armored vehicles, Russian forces have not caved-in, meaning this is like WW II yet, also not like WW II.  Russia did not cave-in fighting in the 1940s, against the Nazis. But this time they aren’t fighting the Nazis, and the weapons are differently advanced.  You can scream from here to doomsday the Russians are fighting Nazis today, but the average Ukrainian up in arms are not Nazis.  You have drones, long-range artillery and missiles in our contemporary mix.  Also, unlike the events of the late 1930s when Hitler’s forces started annexing people and lands and then their military war geniuses invaded an unarmed Poland with full-scale war, times are different.  

    This time, it was an unarmed nation that was invaded first before all the hoopla of self-preservation talk.  President  Vladimr Putin of Russia called the signing of June 19 a breakthrough document between the two countries, akin to self-preservation which gave N. Korea its own right to strengthen its own capabilities as his state media announced, and that spells, technological exchanges from the land of mighty war geniuses (Russia).  Some people out there say that this is a natural reaction to what the Western Allies did a crummy week before.   However, one must remember, no nation from the West had invaded anybody in Europe the last 24 years of this century, only one, and guess who?



CBS report.  An M1 Abrams can hit a speed at 30 while the Bradley attains a top speed of 40 mph, but a Bradley is less protected.  German-made Leopards can hit 43 mph, but the Leopard 2 A6 is not Germany's best.  The best for now, is the most advanced 2A7+, until these start arriving.  Here is an unusual article on the highly secretive role of attack tanks equipped with attack-spotter drones and AI in this war few know about.  But, real information is sparse.  If I were the military Chiefs of Staff of Ukraine, I would strike first with the civilian Resistance and AI (if true) to disrupt big-time Putins' Offensives, if they have munitions. In reality however, all this will probably not cause  Russia to call for an armistice; that will happen only if Ukraine is given jets, and time to teach the young air cadets.  Simple as that.

    Two behind-the-scenes stories of the President of Ukraine,  Hiroshima wrap-up (7mins) and a nasty surprise on the stage of Rome-Ukraine relations, when the President met in Rome the Vicar of Christ Pope Francis, and gave him an icon painting, the cool publicized view, and the not so cool view. . .  is this gift from the Pres. disrespectful?  (The image of Jesus Christ is totally wiped out in black, as if baby Jesus does not exist.  Is this a hidden message from President Zelensky, a Jew?) 

   Sneaky Aid from Holland; every little bit counts that the freedom resistance needs. 

   Banzai Japan.


    How and what will the largest war on the European continent since WW II still bring?

    Polish residents welcomed a U.S. Stryker armored vehicle convoy a few months back, but since video was removed this is the versatile vehicle.  This is the first time the Strykers have been sent to Ukraine.  Poland held a large military parade Aug. 15, 2024.  German, France and British air forces held August air drills in India; first time, courtesy of DW News.

    Is the beat of a lousy stalemate over?  First, the good news from the standpoint of Ukraine, early August Ukrainian troops on the big push target: multiple sites in Russia, blown sky high, courtesy of Radio Free Europe, ABC World News. Early claims, up to 3,000 Russian troops cut off near Kursk, courtesy of Times Radio.  Yet, it was by no means a one-sided affair, Russian forces hit back with 16 overnight aerial strikes, courtesy  of WION.  Ex-U.S. Airman defects or joins Russian forces, depending how you look at it, courtesy of Oneindia News.  Large Russian military HQ hit by U.S. made HIMARS inside Crimea, courtesy of  Voice of America

    Now the bad newsLoose Lips sinks ships.  In other words, don't expect real time combat news from the Front, courtesy of CNN.  What prey tell can break the stalemate?  Probably, Air Force units, courtesy of Sky News. I will say that over and over, you need a tough, well trained Air Force, because you are not in the jungles. It looks like they are finally arriving and why Uraine's invasion of Russia changed everything. The rumble of involvement by a free people for a free people, courtesy of BBC News.  This reminds me exactly of the year 1941’s the start of the invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany, with both sides claiming a great victory while the other side is full of horrific loses.  Ukrainian people either get good news or great news.  AH is it a war game?   It is no war game to millions in Ukraine.

In Geneva March 1.png
Darkness surrounds democratic Ukraine.png

However, beware of El Nino which can muck things up in Europe after the winter snow thaws,

and La Nina enters the picture.

The night time scene below is Mariupol, as it looked beautiful like this during Christmas 2020, courtesy Wikimedia Commons.  Railway lines to the west still open although the civilian populace are suffering the most in the cold.

Autumn--winter of 2022-2023 And 2023-2024: lousy military stalemate. Drone war zone footage of a ghostly scene shrouded in fog


badly injusred in Ukraine.png
Devastion repeated.png
working like crazy to save a life.png
The War Zone.png

The Battle of Mariupol


What gives May 8-9?

no caption.png

Was or is there a Phony War?


   The following paragraphs were kept as a form of posterity and in the hope some semblance of prayer for peace brings the war in Europe to an end.  It was written before the invasion began.   If only international conflagrations were like international sports competition.  There would be battling, victors, loosers, broadcast rights leading to a succession of knock-outs but with little real bloodshed and deaths.  There would be tears, jeers, surprising finishes, and hard work, but, out of all that, is an eventual champion.  It’s been 4 years that in Ukraine there was big talk not to broadcast the World Cup from Sochi, Russia, however, the Ukrainian state TV did broadcast the soccer matches.  Russia received wide-spread praise as World Cup hosts to those summer games that became the most viewed World Cup ever, and the most viewed TV broadcast—surpassing the Beijing Summer Olympics of 2008.

    The hot-shot video game giant Electronic Arts added an expansion to their video FIFA World Cup electronic game, but Britain’s Foreign Office warned English fans of Asian or Afro ancestry of “racist, homophobic, and anti-British hostility” however, in the end it never materialized for English fans were extended a warm welcome from ordinary citizens of Russia.  Where once many Russians and Germans fought in WW II in Volgograd to the death (formerly Tsaritsyn aka Stalingrad til 1961) is a beautiful stadium, the Volgograd Arena with 42 elevators.  


shorty size Vogograd.png


    And, after 158 goals scored in overall 61 matches in Russia, our world saw France and Croatia face off for the championship, while England and Belgium fought for 3rd place. 

    There were no deaths and coffins, no loss of life, as after the Sochi World Cup ended, the world saw France defeat Croatia 4-2.

    Does Russia want to start a world war after their fabulous sporting event of 2018?  Did Japan make money after their international event last year?  I don’t know, but they made a lot of friends, and the hands of peace were shaken.  

    Let us hope Spring of 2022 does not wind up like 1940, after the Olympics of 1936.  There was talk of friendship at first.  Then, boom 4 years later, what did the world see?


    Early Feb. 2022, the world was witnessing military mobilization along Eastern Europe in ways not seen in many a decade, in Ukraine, the bread basket of Europe.  This time the two biggest kids on the block, Russia and the United States, are shouting and flexing their muscles in the hope of being “some champ” in a sequence of events along Ukraine very loud early 2022, with everybody calling each other names and blaming the other as the cause of everything.  

     I hope the situation in Ukraine does not turn into a boiling pot ready to explode.  And, that leaders of the West and Russia simmer down as opposed to letting it boil out of hand . . .day by day.  Major Dames was on the air with George Noory on Jan. 25, 2022 where he expressed what he thought would happen.  Despite being embroiled in Technical Remote Activities—notably finding missing children—he was a guest on Coast To Coast, and by way of radio said several things during the 2 hour interview program.  He mentioned a zoom review for March 5, 2022, talked about internment camps in Australia, and a pyramid-shaped UFO picture taken by the U.S. Navy.  In the arena of global terrorism, Dames said American banks would issue new currency after a bank holiday as a result of an internet outage of gross proportions.  Not using TRV, he explained in brief when the banks come back up, the Federal  Reserve will create a central bank digital currency to keep up with the Chinese.  And, “commercial banks will start dropping off slowly.”

    He was obliged to give his views on the problem in Ukraine.  Despite some 120,000 Russian troops amassed along the borders of Ukraine, he believed Putin would not invade Ukraine. That was his opinion not from TRV.  He believed things will calm down, and that Russia will not attack the Ukrainian people but, Russia will show it's muscle. But, in this author's opinion, if the Western media speak and berate about Putin's insecurities Putin will not be afraid to show external aggression to show he is no weak ruler.  For the record, the Baltic states all border Russia.  Moreover, since March of 2004, they’ve been in defense mode—and, like to be free— but not once have they—with or without NATO—ever invaded Russia.  That is a stretch of almost 20 years we’re talking about.  We leave you with this thought, an historical morceau, from The Economist Feb. 9, 2022. 

oAddendum:   Why can't we all get along and not go to war?  It is the young who come back injured with no legs or arms not the fat cats in their air-conditioned offices.  What happened in Red Square when everybody knew this song worldwide, even in Red Square by the Beatles . . . meaning peace.



      Thirty years ago, the topics of Garabandal, which occured at the height of the Cold War--from the 1960s--and Fatima, which is from 1917, were not favorites of mine.   In early 1996, I never had heard of Rev. Malachi Martin, Rev. Andrew Wingate—both whom could discern things the ordinary person cannot—and I knew little about Art Bell, Linda Howe, George Noory, or Major Edward A. Dames.  

     As humanity faces dramatic changes, one of the most intimating is the drama of 2022, namely the Russia-Ukrainian crisis where the question on many minds is "How far will Russia go?"   The intricacies that will affect millions of people is a problem of unsurmountable crisis.  Years ago, the Lady of Fatima warned the world of dangers that would someday stem from the errors of Russia.  Antecedent to 2022, you found scores of people tying in Fatima to something that belonged to old, past days.  Alright, to peer into those past days, under the menu go to Fatima, and find the PDF called Keypoints.   You will get a taste of a world gone by, especially the 1950s and 1960s, the height of the Cold War, and also see what happened when people prayed in the 1950s regarding Austria.  Believe what you want.  The information is not invented.  The special PDF is near the bottom of our Fatima web page.   Tip: find pic of Mel Gibson at bottom. 

     Please note, our digital book has more information than is presented here.  

     To put it into perspective and very bluntly, what is documented in the book is an astounding translation of humankind’s future, that defies explanation.   While Alert: For The Times is composed of many years of research, and discloses fading secrets, it does not claim to tell you the future.  The ordinary person in the street knows little about the techniques of the skill of remote viewing, as seen in this contemporary social posting in video format, including social posts by people who are not aware about historical events, but do mention their opinions including their inaccuracies that Dames has never been right.  This modem of opinion is not 100% accurate.
     Think back in history to what we have related.  It involves patterns of history and not opinions.

     We know there are many of the opinion TRV is a hypothesis or who think it may not work. But, you can be the deciding factor once you read the spellbinding new ebook.


      Principals in TRV, decoding the past, present, and future.  Ingo Swann, Paul H. Smith (left to right)

A Brief History
    The following dates for the record, 1972 to 1999, are important regarding Remote Viewing and were researched and compiled by Paul H. Smith, and we are very grateful. (Only the chronology in reddish script was added by Mr. Valentine.)

October 1, 1972—The CIA awards Stanford Research Institute (SRI) $50 million exploratory contract.
October 18, 1974—Russell Targ and Dr. Hal Puthoff publish article on remote viewing research in "Nature".
July 1975—The CIA terminates involvement in and funding of remote viewing, but later the U.S. Air Force Foreign Technology Division becomes the primary funder of SRI research [laboratory] program, with Dale Graff supervising.
September 1977—U.S. Army’s remote viewing program GONDOLA WISH is established by Lt. F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater at the direction of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson.
July 13, 1978—GONDOLA WISH is changed to name GRILL FLAME, listed on the INSCOM books as "Detachment G" and is composed of soldiers and civilians with natural psychic ability.
Dec 78-Jan 79—Selection of remote viewers for GRILL Flame. Civilians Mel Riley, natural psychic Joe McMoneagle (photo below), Ken Bell and three others are included.

September 4, 1979—First Army-conducted operational remote viewing session performed.
March 1979—Remote viewers working with Dale Graff at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and at SRI correctly locate downed Soviet TU-22 recon aircraft.

1979-81—Stephan Schwartz conducts Alexandria Project, a remote viewing archaeology project in Egypt. His book Alexandria Project is subsequently published.
ca. 1980—Air Force Chief of Staff cancels AF RV program; Dale Graff joins Defense Intelligence Agency as principal staff officer for remote viewing effort.
1981-82—Putoff and natural psychic Ingo Swann develop coordinate remote viewing (CRV) architecture at SRI, via a set of instructions that allows one to be trained in the collective unconscious to produce detailed target information.
1983—Charlene Cavanaugh joins military RV unit in August; Paul H. Smith joins in September, the RV program has 3 aspects: Operational Unit (classified); Medical Evaluation program that monitored trainees' health (classified); A remote viewing R&D program (unclassified).  Before entering the world of RV, Maj. Ed Dames served as electronic warfare officer and scientific and technical intelligence officer, 1979-1983.  No civilian researcher had access to military intelligence.
Jan 1984—Bill Ray joins military RV unit; second prototype group of CRV candidates begins training (group includes Smith, Ray, Cavanaugh; Maj. Ed Dames is last minute addition to training contract while remaining assigned to his sponsoring unit).
Apr 1984—Natural psychic Lyn Buchanan joins the

Ft. Meade RV unit.

1984—Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) takes over from the U.S. Army.

Maj. Dames receives two Meritorious Service Medals for distinguishing service as targeting and analysis officer in identifying new USSR secrets weapons program in biochemical warfare; for several years thereof as Targeting Director of the U.S. Intelligence Electronic & Security Command, he was mandated to brief DIA, NSA, other agencies and the President and his advisors. At this point in time, DIA had no charter to collect intelligence as it was primarily an analytical agency.
1985-1986—Caravel Project, an underwater archeology project is conducted by Stephan Schwartz.
January 31, 1986—After a year of holding operational control, DIA takes formal control of the military operational Remote Viewing [Psi Spy] program, and renames it SUN STREAK.  Ed Dames joins RV unit.
December 1987—F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater departs the Ft. Meade RV unit on retirement leave.
June 1988—David Morehouse is assigned to the Ft. Meade RV unit.  Before the year closes, a Pentagon Inspector General team evaluates SUN STREAK.  The remote viewers were ordered to avoid the inspectors, and many documents were shredded behind the inspector's backs.  In a documentary Psi-Files: The Real X-Files, Maj. Dames claims that three shredders had their motors burnt out in the process.
December 1988—Maj. Dames departs the Ft. Meade RV unit.

1989—Maj. Dames forms Psi Tech and increases his full-time effort to advance remote viewing technology, and to create teams of professional civilian Remote Viewers to work on complex projects.
June 1990—David Morehouse departs, and Mel Riley retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.
August 1990—Paul Smith (below) is reassigned from the Ft. Meade RV unit to the 101st Airborne Division for Desert Shield/Desert Storm, full-time effort to advance remote viewing technology, and to create teams of professional civilian Remote Viewers to work on complex projects.

Paul H. Smith.png

late 1990—Civilian Dale Graff becomes chief of the Ft. Meade RV unit, and changes project name to STARGATE.  It consists of 3 individuals; one was a professional remote viewer; the other two were tarot card readers and channelers.

1991—Edwin May moves RV research program from SRI International to Science Application International Corporation. Maj. Dames retires from the U.S. Army. STARGATE consists of Lyn Buchanan, Robin Dahlgren, Angela Dellafiora, and a DIA civilian, under branch chief Dale Graff.
January 1992—Lyn Buchanan retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.
1993—The book Mind Trek (by Joe McMoneagle) is published.
June 1993—Dale Graff retires.
1994—Wording added to Federal Y95 budget transferring control of STARGATE from DIA to CIA.
1995—CIA begins Congressionally directed evaluation of RV as an intelligence tool. American Institutes of Research is hired to do a "scientific" study; in the report officially published in Sept the AIR concludes that RV has no value as an intelligence tool. Significant questions are raised about the completeness and accuracy of the AIR study.
June 30, 1995—CIA cancels STARGATE program. The five remaining personnel are reassigned to other jobs in the government. 
November 28, 1995—Ted Koppel's "Nightline" on ABC reveals to the public existence of government remote-viewing effort, and inaccurately states it has a 15% accuracy rate. Interviewed are former CIA director Robert Gates, Dale Graff, Edwin May, Joe McMoneagle, and others.
1996—First time Robert C. Valentine hears Maj. Dames on Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell.
November 1996—The book Psychic Warrior (Morehouse) is published.
January 30, 1997—First time Maj. Dames mentions word "discontinuity" on radio.
February 1997—The book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies (Schnabel) is published.
November 25, 1997—Maj. Dames discloses what the "discontinuity" could possibly be on Coast To Coast AM; for the record, it is in detail in Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets.

October 1, 1998—On Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell, Maj. Dames discloses he and his team remote viewed The Third Secret of Fatima. "So many facets of Fatima, check this 2023 information video includes eyewitnesses of 1917 & 1945. There were 8 Jesuit survivors.  In the area they were in, they should have received enough radiation to have been dead within a matter of minutes.  What happened to these survivors still defies all human logic and scientific point of view for it goes contrary all laws of physics.  What occurred was a miracle." 
March 18, 1999—The International Remote Viewing Association is formed.

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