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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938
What is about to be read is not for the light hearted or weak. Pass beyond the Forest and into the foray of a modern world.
updated Oct. 13, 2024
I. Finding the Best information on Fatima
Three Secrets were revealed in 1917!
Year 2024 will become memorable—although not dangerous, a rare solar storm lead the pack (May); coupled with the secretive silencing of Akita, and the mesmerizing story of Our Lady of Fatima, Fr Gobbi & Bella Dodd that will open your eyes with Yolanda Nardizzi; Iran launched 180 ballistic missiles into Israel in 1 day (Oct); anniversary of Fatima (Oct) from the historian perspective, merci Xavier and Monique; horrific hurricanes hit the E. Coast (Fall); rarest of Aurorae seen (on Today Show Oct). [Edit note; I am sorry to relate, Sister Sasagawa of Akita passed away on Aug. 15, 2024.] And, the following 3 points cannot be denied by anyone, be they young or old, conservative or liberal, right or left wing:
First Secret--Vision of Hell and the suffering of sinners
Second Secret--World War I and II
Third Secret--One part, Penance and Papal Assassination attempt, as released June of 2000. Per eyewitness of Father Joseph Schweigl who was sent by Pope Pius XII to visit and interrogate Sister Lucia (below), the Third part of the Secret he stated “is composed of two parts.” As related by Schweigl in Fatima e la conversioned della Russia, p. 13, Rome, 1956 “...the third part of the message must remain secret until 1960.” But, it was never revealed as the Blessed Mother instructed. The Blessed Mother warned us against war, but did people listen, especially leaders? Will Heaven listen to leaders who enshrine ideas that go against the Bible and honor the evil piss of Christ work of art in Rome? More on the negative attributes of war is below. There exist men with devious hearts that do not want you to know all this, as related in Alert For The Times, Book of Secrets.
October October
Last October of 2023 ended with the first of two Synods of Bishops on Synodality; some insiders called it Pope Francis’ own miniature version of Vatican II. There is a general consensus, moreover, that there will be large-scale changes to the Catholic Church after the Synods end, with big talk along two fronts, the complexion of the Mass and society. One faction of church hierarchy wants to send a condolence card to traditionalists, after they do away with 2000 years of Church traditions by alternating the faith, if they get their way. Vatican II had loopholes. Within the next two years at the conclusion of Synodality, as the Synod is expected to have two major meetings in Rome, October 2023 and one the following year, things can be topsy-turvy.
In 2023-24 hot topics exist, from same-sex love and unions, married priests, women clergy, and transgenderism showing a few of the examples. As of Oct. 13, 2024, the Synod held back from unleashing anything "hot." The Second Vatican Council was held between the years 1962-1965. Vatican II was rigged concerning hot topics of the 1960s. Two in particular were very hot 60 years ago, the topics of international Communism and what the Catholic Church can do, and the Consecration of Russia. They were swept under the rug.
Attendees to Vatican II were never allowed real debates. The chips were stacked against that. The chicanery within the Vatican were executed by those encharged with implementing all manner of instructions and dreams. In this day and age of fast information-gathering Smartphones, something is afoot. 2023: You think Catholics worldwide did not notice that when a certain anti-Catholic groupee got headline news across America, the Vatican in Rome did relatively nothing, no speech, no substantial proclamation nada, only a Bishop from Texas stood up and called for action.
It was as if Rome chose to submit to this pro-LGBTQIA+ group by remaining silent. No Cardinal spoke out officially, including the 2 most senior bishops, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re and Cardinal Leonardo Sandri. A huge public rally, however, was initiated last summer against the L.A. Dodger organization, for bending to the will of this male-group dressed up as holy nuns.
Their actions flagrantly flaunts real nuns.
Don't Indulge Us with Your Fake Lips!
Have you heard of this group? With their display of political antics, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Their Pride is trampling on the rights and beliefs of many Americans.
Just a form of natural expression? Baloney.
Their motive? Men with devious hearts.
Dressing up like nuns with big lips and fake mascara.
Groups like these are no inventive fluke invented yesterday, homo-eroticism has been around for years but never with so much mockery and bravissimo to even influence the Los Angeles Dodgers, with a lifestyle that throws a curve ball at you. It is time to speak up against these fakes.
America does not need this, for they stab all nuns of every denomination in the back. This topic, a debacle to some, a virtuous victory to others, is discussed more thoroughly in Alert For The Times.
They are an insult to the feelings of women who take a vow of a religious life. There are so many who remain silent. These reverent sisters in this clip at this special procession in Manhattan, NYC, have no one to speak for them. Lo and behold, video recently taken down, probably because of the music. SO we replace it with this one. (Watch at least the first minute, then advance to the 27.38 minute, for the young were there too, in busy Manhattan.) A smaller rally in NYC, around the Israeli consulate on 42nd, nearly the same day, with pro-Palestinian chants—after Hamas slaughtered hundreds on one October day—as a Mid-East war continues to rumble.
Sample of Book chapters. Sample herewith is low-res. Click on it to take a look.
II. Best information on Fatima
This October of 2023 brought another item in history totally brand new, internationally. Lost among the headlines of war, October is proclaimed as National Gay and Lesbian History Month. This is relatively new, folks, fully espoused by the HRC and aligned also with October 11 as National Coming Out Day. That is two days before the anniversary of Fatima and the great miracle.
In the Synod in Rome, during a time of war in Israel which is a topic to be discussed in more depth as more information develops, the Synod concluded Oct. 29. The Synod was composed of a diverse group of selected attendees (354).
The cool words used were delegates, and unlike Vatican II, not exclusively bishops. Ordinary folks were issued invitations as delegates, but excluded Catholics of high rank and leadership like Cardinal Sarah—was not invited "to participate". Cardinal who?
It seems learned men like Cardinal Robert Sarah with the ability to write and speak eloquently were officially not invited. Who is this guy from Guinea, Africa? Who once stated, “What Nazi-Fascism and Communism were in the twentieth century, Western homosexual and abortion ideologies and Islamic fanaticism are today”; and that there exists a crisis in terms of marriage.
Synods are not new to him; and, he had a book published in France on Jan. 15, 2020, a 175-page book called From the Depths of Our Hearts. [He in addition to four other Cardinals did hand to the Pope certain questions about the Synod. Try downloading it twice--there is sometimes an interrupting ad in between.]
Cardinal Robert Sarah, who as far back as the Synod of 2019 was a full participant and head of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, whom frequently visited Benedict in his later years, had released a book in 2020 on priestly celibacy, with one section dense with biblical references why celibacy is important for priests, by Benedict. (In a notable 2020 article by author Gerald O’Connell, Vatican correspondent of magazine America, he stated that he was told by anonymous Vatican spokesmen that emeritus Pope Benedict had a hard time physically writing, although his mind was sharp. OK, if you can’t write, you dictate, which is what he did.)
Benedict gave full approval of this book before he died 2 years later, although Benedict’s name as coauthor of said book was removed as coauthor due to Vatican complaints. On the topic of the priesthood, in a book on Pope Francis, an Italian-language version was released on Oct. 26, The Shepherd: Struggles, Reasons, and Thoughts on His Papacy by Francesca Ambrogetti and Sergio Rubin. Fox News reported the Pontiff reaffirmed that the priesthood is "reserved for men", but also stated a quote by Francis: "Lutherans ordain women, but few people [still] go to church."
I bring this up because as we came to the close of 2023, an average Christian has seen ribbons of opposing colors emanate from the Vatican, rare, and opposing viewpoints, as confusing and rare as Anorchia. Francis, as rare as it may sound, allowed some of it to happen—as in the realm of art when this June of 2023, he allowed an artist who immersed a crucifix in human urine to be honored in St. Peter. What a distasteful act of a Pope honoring the evil piss of Christ art in Rome. Can it really be absolved in the name of artistry, as some say? The number two and number three behind the Pope are the Secretary of State and the Prefect for the Congregation of the Faith in a modern Vatican—renamed by Francis as the Dicastery of the Faith—they wield almost as much power as any Pope, unless the rules are changed. Concerning the human urine, they said nada. Was a 2023 book by Rubin et co there to quell the beasts and then, WHAM, you'll get hit by a lefty hook? At the close of December 2023, there was something that hit like a left hook on the Catholic world, some say attributed to the Vatican Prefect, some say the Pope, but whoever had the final say, a big notification electrified the world with what was issued regarding homosexuality. Time will tell in the long run, but in the short run you had a big ruckus from the Bishops from Africa soon after it was issued, that Francis took note. The Dec. ruling is opposite to what the Church issued on March 15, 2021: the Catholic Church cannot bless same-sex marriages, no matter how stable or positive the couples’ relationships may be, reaffirming the Bible’s position on the subject. Incidentally, that was issued under the auspices of Cardinal Ladaria, who followed the teachings of Saint John Paul II. Ladaria was made to retire a year before reaching his 80 birthday, and out the window goes the teachings of John Paul II. This Vatican, it seems, has lately been in a rat race to implement many changes it can get away with. It may be neither here nor there, but, the retirement age for Cardinals is normally 75, unless the Pope says otherwise, which is something that became effective with motu propio in 2022. Gay lifestyles is something our modern-day Saint John Paul II was not afraid to speak about, a Saint appointed by Pope Francis himself.
Was it not a mere twenty years ago, on a December eighteenth, that this Catholic Saint condemned same-sex marriage? NO pressure on Earth caused him to change his stance. How easy we forget. He warned about the attacks on modern marriage and the family, but someone deep within the walls of Vatican hierarchy wishes you to disregard the words of a Saint, one who was canonized after having two authenticated miracles attributed to him—that had been the usual procedure for hundreds of years. On his shield, he had a big letter M, prescribing his devotion to Our Blessed Mother, Mary. He knew it was a new millennium, when he stated on December 18, 2004, "Attacks on marriage and the family, from an ideological and legal aspect, are becoming stronger and more radical every day." And, he hadn't even seen the debauchery of the Gay Pride Parade in Seattle, Washington, when men totally nude as bystanders wrote their bikes to this parade, completely in front of anybody, including children. This form of behavior escaped much of the news of the nation in 2023. However, the Saint's disposition should not be forgotten or minimized.
Incidentally, the new announcement that was issued Dec. of 2023 that caused a ruckus with the African bishops was issued under the auspices of Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, whom Pope Francis appointed to replace Cardinal Ladaria. Cardinal Fernandez is the Prefect Cardinal who, before he was appointed a Cardinal on September 30, 2023, wrote a book depicting an imaginary sensual interaction between Jesus Christ and a teenager relating a human orgasm, which the Blessed Mother watched with glee.
To be an author, one has to devote a lot of energy to it, whether it be fiction, poetry, or nonfiction. I should know for yours truly is an author and historian. Fernandez also put his mark on another publication, "Heal Me with Your Mouth" that as I understand includes some erotic poetry by Fernandez. I care not to read either of them but information on the art of kissing may be found here. The core constituencies that attack marriage and the family is not nominal, and was strongly stated by the Fatima Pope Saint John Paul II as dangerous and, "Who destroys this fundamental fabric causes a profound injury to society and provokes often irreparable damage." In light of this, the current papal magisterium has placed its mark in the history of Catholicism.
What changes will follow after the final Synod in 2024, is to be determined. But, remember the words of St. Malachy who is a main staple of Alert For The Times, Book of Secrets.
Another person, the last that I heard, also “not invited to be a delegate” is from one of the largest archdioceses of America, Los Angeles, Archbishop Jose Gomez, who once said in 2015, the “virtual world” of Hollywood movies, television shows and fantasy sports (are) major contributing factors to the crisis in the family. I said it once, I’ll say it again, the chips are stacked, or to put it another way, the dice is rigged. This link on Sarah provides the integrity and brilliant mind of the African bishop, and is cited as an example in history. You decide if he is worthy—scroll down that link.
Past History should augment modern life
In light of this, one must grapple with the words from Akita, from Oct. 13, 1973. Our Lady gave a message to Sister Sasagawa that the work of the devil, “will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, and bishops against other bishops.” Sadly, in 2023-24, opposing means also “silence” and say nothing, or else. I got wind of what was happening to Sister Sasagawa involving hanky-panky in Japan; calling her Sister S and not using her real name and other things and saying it was for her protection. Few people realize Sister Sasagawa had been lately silenced by certain men in the Vatican before she passed away. On Oct. 6, 2019 she had issued her last public warning, the exact date of the opening of the Synod on the Pan-Amazon, where Bishops worldwide congregated, and ended up with the Pachamama idol in the Vatican gardens and honored in St. Peter, and not one Cardinal spoke up against it. No chance giving to “work together;” as in the case of Sarah or others, or like this priest from Santa Barbara, Fr Juan Carlos Gavancho. Two days after delivering his sermon, he was told to collect his things and “vacate the rectory.” Later, he was told by his Catholic superiors his right to say Mass was stripped. Just listen here to his Homily, and for that he was kicked out?—his Catholic belief was “silenced.”
We now come to a relatively little known prophecy. We come to a prophecy made about 139 Octobers ago by Pope Leo XIII. He was Pope about 70 years before the sainthood of Pope Pius X, who was made a saint on May 29, 1954, the last decade before Vatican II—see my web page Anniversary 1961-2021. On October 13, 1884, Leo received an elocution of scary proportions. He had finished his daily Mass and as he was walking away from the main altar, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar. He stood there for about 10 minutes, as in a trance, his face ashen white. When asked what happened, he explained he suddenly heard voices—two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. It was a debate between Jesus Christ and Satan. Satan asking Our Blessed Lord for more time and power to destroy the Church, asking for at least 100 years. The Lord questioned him, but in the end granted it to him and unchained Satan. Pope Leo was so astounded and horrified by what he heard, that he created a prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel for protection against the dastardly assault on the Church. It was prayed at the end of all Holy Low Masses for almost 80 years. (He is also the author of eleven encyclicals on the Rosary.) This prayer was incidentally declared optional in 1962, and in 1964—for reasons hard to fathom—it was entirely removed as a public prayer at the end of Mass.
There exists another relatively known prophecy. And, we go even further back in time. In Quito, Ecuador, a prophecy was made on Jan. 21, 1610, an approved apparition by the Roman Catholic Church, given by Our Lady. Thus, I make it known to you, that from the end of the 19th Century, and from shortly after the middle of the 20th Century, the passions will erupt, and there will be a total corruption of customs, for Satan will reign almost completely. They will focus principally on the children, in order to sustain this corruption. Matrimony will be attacked and deeply profaned. It will be easy for everyone to live in sin. The Catholic spirit will rapidly decay, and the precious light of faith will gradually be extinguished until, there will be an almost and total general corruption of customs. The Sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised. The devil will try to persecute the ministers of the Lord in every possible way.
He will labor with cruel and subtle astuteness to deviate them from the spirit of their vocation, and will corrupt many of them. These depraved priests, who will scandalize the Christian people, will make the hatred of bad Catholics and the enemies of the Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, fall upon all priests. There will be an apparent triumph of Satan....As for the Sacrament of matrimony, which symbolizes the union of Christ with His church, it will be attacked and profaned in the fullest sense of the word. The stone cutters which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the objective of doing away with the Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin…the Christian spirit will rapidly decay, extinguishing the precious light of faith until it reaches the point that there will be a total and general corruption of customs…the secular clergy will leave much to be desired, because priests will become careless in their sacred duties, lacking the divine compass. They will stray from the road traced by God for the priestly ministry and they will become attached to wealth and riches, which they will a duly strive to attain….This will mark the hour of my arrival.
In the apparitions of La Salette, approved by the Catholic Church, the following is called to mind regarding the ministers of Christ: Priests by their irreverences and their impiety in celebrating the holy mysteries, love of money, love of honor and pleasures, priests have become sewers of impurity...woe to priests and to priests consecrated to God, who by their infidelites are crucifying my Son, anew. The sins of persons consecrated to God, cry to Heaven and call for vengeance. And, now, here is vengeance at their very doors for no longer is anyone found to beg for mercy and pardon for the people....
The time has come for the most astonishing wonders to take place on the Earth, and in the air. Lucifer together with a great number of devils will be loosened from Hell. Little by little, they will abolish the faith, and that even in persons consecrated to God, they will be so blind that, without a special grace, these persons will take on a spirit of these evil angels....They will have great power over nature, and there will be churches to serve these spirits. People will be these evil spirits...because they will not have lived by the good spirit of the Gospel.
What is to pass in the coming months? Sin offends God is the bottom line, ipso facto. If sin is not placated, it bodes an ill wind for the Catholic Church and the world. No chandelier of new love can change the Bible.
You may or may not have heard of this more modern prophecy, it is a most recent one from 2023. Most modern-day Catholics today are completely unaware of it. It is made by a Catholic priest from Brazil, a Father Oliveira, who lives in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Fr Oliveira belongs to Region South III under the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which contains 14 dioceses. In Brazil, there are 44 archdioceses and 218 dioceses, including the Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney (traditionalist Tridentine Mass; and never hunted by Pope Francis.) His real name is not Oliveira, it is a pseudonym to protect his identity. Since 2003, he has been receiving mystical visions and prophetic revelations. His diocese is not named; it could be any of the above 14. Nearby Santa Catarina (State) was hit by a crazy hurricane on March 26, 2004, the first ever recorded hurricane to hit from the South Atlantic Ocean. Santa Catarina belongs to Region South IV. Brazil has 26 states. I thought you like to know that Rio Grande do Sul is the 5th most populous state of Brazil, with a crime rate relatively low compared to the Brazilian national average. The winter months, June to September, are characterized by heavy rains and by a cold southwesterly wind, called minuano, which occasionally lowers the temperature to below freezing, especially in the mountains. There is a state park called Turvo State Park that protects the last large area of well-preserved Upper Uruguay forest in the state, which is home to several rare or endangered species. [Rio Grande do Sul editors note addition due to El Nino. BBC News Brasil]. Yucumã Falls on the Uruguay River, is the second-widest in the world.
One is not under any obligation to believe the validity or authenticity of Fr Oliveira’s messages for now, but for the record, it is given here, in brief. Father Oliveira received a visit from Our Lady of Fatima on June 17, 2023:
Dear son, listen carefully: October this year will begin a period of great tribulation, foreseen by me when I was in France, in Portugal and in Spain. On those three occasions, I spoke about the cause for these [coming] tribulations. Be prepared, above all spiritually, for this period will not start with thunder, but will be gradual and will spread slowly throughout the world.... I must alert you: these times are part of what I said in my Third Secret, in Portugal. On Oct. 13th, I will give you a sign, as you asked me; that’s why I showed you that date. I received from God the mission to [stand] guard [along] with the holy angels that the Lord placed at my service, and all those who gave their lives to me. There will be great devastation from Russia, instigated by the Dragon from Hell. Read the first line again, and ask yourself, what happened on October 7, 2023 on an international scale? A militant invasion of Israel with atrocities on the innocents in a manner similar to the worst the SS of Hitler's regime could contrive against humanity is your answer, including the beheading of babies.
Fr. Malachi Martin, who is in Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, in the rarest of descriptive phrases concerning the Third Secret of Fatima, told the Art Bell radio audience on Coast To Coast AM on May 4, 1998: unless “we accept that there will be, or that there is in progress, a wholesale apostasy amongst clerics and laity in the Catholic Church…the institutional organization of the Roman Catholic Church, that is the organization of parishes, dioceses, archbishops and bishops, and cardinals, the Roman bureaucracy, and the chancellories throughout the world, unless that is totally disrupted, and rendered null and void, the Third Secret makes no sense. And, number two, the other salient characteristic about it, is that it means intense suffering of believers.
“Lucia...was prevailed upon by her bishop to write down the Third Secret...and in the fifties, it was conveyed over to Rome to Pope Pius XII and Cardinal Ottaviani….They put it away....
“So, it was opened by John XXIII ... and he proceeded to say that it wasn’t true... It was unreliable. The children didn’t know what they were talking about. And, Lucia didn’t because when she got this supposed secret from the Virgin, she was illiterate, and she was under 10 years old. So she couldn’t know what she was talking about. And, John XXIII in his opening speech at the Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, referred contemptuously to the three children as prophets of doom. And, so, we today don’t have anything to do with these prophets of doom...and, so he suppressed the secret.” When Fr Martin was asked if it was an accurate assessment by John XXIII, Martin answered no. He said,“It was a very exact description of what…is going to happen shortly. But, in cold hard terms.” So there you are twenty-five years ago, a reference point amidst the scale of Fatima knowledge which historians acting like sailors on the seas of knowledge have been sailing for over a hundred years, trying to decipher the correct sailing formula but always missing something, unless you read the book Alert: For The Times, which brightens up the horizons by daring to sail beyond the 7 seas of contemplation. The words of Martin are beyond the standpoint of a Fatima researcher and might not have seemed credible in 1998, yet from a standpoint of modernity today, are very accurate… above all else, his words are from one who knew the actual Third Secret and that is an important concept—although, he never definitely defined it to the public for he was sworn to secrecy. Come and read the new book, one unlike any other you will ever read.
Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi, President of Iran, the eighth since Aug. 3, 2021 and strong supporter of sex segregation, stated on October 18, 2023 Arab states should impose an oil embargo and called for a “harsh revenge by the Islamic world for the crimes committed in Palestine and Gaza.”
As related (above in a preceding paragraph) Our Blessed Mother warned in Quito that passions will erupt. Oliveira was warned last June 17, 2023 and it is coming in earnest fruition, from Our Lady of Fatima, “October this year will begin a period of great tribulation....and will spread slowly throughout the world.” An innocent 6 year-old Islamic boy was stabbed to death in Illinois from a nutso-landlord only because he was Muslim, and in N.Y a Jewish woman was punched in the face as she waited for a subway only because she was Jewish, what is this world coming to? Source, both: NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt, Oct. 18, 2023. Rhetorical question: what is to spread slowly throughout the world?
In Paris, a group of Islamic radicals were compelled to send a bomb threat to the Louvre Museum, two minutes away from the U.S. Embassy. It forced the evacuation of 15,000 people. A day before, a Literature teacher at Lycée Gambetta-Carbot High School in the French town of Arras had his throat slashed by a 20-year old Muslim Chechen shouting Allah Akbar. Several others were severely wounded in the attack. Deep in the night of Jan. 29, 2023, according to Reuters a military factory was attacked by Israeli drones which is to say the neuva mode of war are the propagation of drones. The first December weekend of 2023 (advance to 6.26 mins) several Iranian armed drones fired from Houthis in Yemen almost hit US ships, but they hit private tankers (courtesy of aviator Ward Carroll). On a different note, deep inside the annals of 2023, America saw a surprising large Eucharistic procession through the streets of Manhattan on Oct. 10, 2023 designed to bring attention to peace, courtesy of Palomita Films.
On October 18, 2023, as Egypt agreed to allow humanitarian aid trucks into S. Gaza, and U.S. troops (above) in Iraq fell to drone-attacks at these air bases, Al-Asad and Al-Harir, and the Iranian-backed Islamic resistance claimed the responsibility but were intercepted on time, Hamas propaganda on Oct. 18 made statements that a bombing of Al Ahli Hospital run by the Baptist Church in Gaza, that killed over 400 Palestinians on Oct. 17, was the result of an Israel air strike. Many Mid-East people fell for it. Fiery, vocal protesting crowds erupted around the U.S. and French embassies in Beirut, Lebanon (10-18-2023 courtesy of WSJ News) while other demonic protests were conducted worldwide, courtesy of BBC. But the blame on Israel does not seem to be the case, as this rare intelligence intercept of Hamas raiders was caught by high frequency intercept talking to themselves, courtesy of I24. On this Oct. 18, moreover, it was the date President Biden of the United States in his historic trip to Israel (a war zone gamble), who wanted to meet Muslim leaders but was refused, stated America would commit itself to aiding the Democratic nation of Israel; advised Israel there should be no wanton attack by Israel and should not be consumed by rage and emotion as happened in the U.S. following 9-11; to abide by International Law. Below Click lower right for sound.
The Daily Global on the BBC network interviewed Oct. 18 the Muslim representative, Dr. Hasan Alhasan (center) Research Fellow for Middle East Policy of the International Institue for Strategic Studies, esteemed scholar and specialist in the Gulf region. He adamantly stated the U.S. vetoed a UN draft resolution to halt all war today, meaning there must be no actions against Hamas whatsoever. He said the risk of escalation is possible, and it increases, every day, the fighting goes on.
He also presented his views that the U.S. in the past has presented false propaganda and it was his view that “based on the evidence that Israel did conduct the strike” the Americans are wrong. He never made any mention about the above intercepted audio voice caught by Israeli intelligence. But, he also stated concerning data, it could be possible that an “analysis of open source material could also help corroborate and uncover the truth about this incident…” and if the U.S. “has evidence it should very well make it public.” Concerning the topic of inhabitants of Gaza, he warned the United Arab states Egypt and Jordan have refused allowing mass numbers of people of Gaza into their countries for the sake of emergency and humanitarian reasons. This includes the sparsely populated part of Egypt along the Sinai which are away from Egypt’s main populated cities. Speaking of population centers, in this honest report, CNN documented chilling Hamas instructions to kill and destroy, a demonstration of invasion instructions on a level of well-planned planning and high level targeting of the Kibbutz populated centers.
All over the world Oct. 18, the 12th day of the war, the following was flashed along the news medias: “The massacre carried out by the Israeli occupation at the Baptist Hospital is the massacre of the 21st Century” and many picked it up with very little conscientious thinking Of course, this press release conducted by Salama Marouf (pic above) of the Hamas media office presents only their 1-side of the picture, hoping to change the way history happened and that you would not recall the images and historical massacre of innocent children and women on Oct. 7, 2023, including the beheading of babies by Hamas.
However, the truth is more important than a narrative. There are still Americans held hostages amidst some 100. No British military was interviewed by the British appearing and assessing and explaining regarding the Al Ahli Hospital, including things like lack of craters. Of the initial reports between the U.S. networks and British Broadcasting Network, the Americans beat the British. A triumph for American reporting. I was watching BBC closely. High on the agenda is this from ABC World News Oct. 18: there is a video surrounding the initial explosion and a raging fire, but there is also no large crater at the target.
That is an important clue.
Even with smaller aerial bombardment as most often occurred in WW II, there would always be signs of a crater denoting it was an attack from the air. Col. Steve Ganyard, USMC (Ret.) told ABC World News the sound of the missile explosion in the video is a high-pitch sound of a rocket prior to impact not something dropped from an aircraft. Also, It is high-speed, not low-speed like from an artillery shell. Ah, could it be an Israel missile from the air? All over the Al Ahli Arab Hospital, there is no crater. There were many dead and burned vehicles and fires that consumed the hospital, but no evidence of a crater. Col. Ganyard stated, “if it were a high explosive air strike, it would create a giant crater and those cars would be blown out of the (hospital) square.”
The preliminary assessment from the U.S. National Security Council independently concurred Ganyards expertise, and determined Israel was not responsible for the explosion. CBS reported 10-18-2023 on CBS Evening News with Nora O’Donnell that it possibly came from a nearby cemetery. The amount of fire also suggests an explosion was caused by excessive fuel, as when a rocket is fired initially and it contains a lot of fuel for the rocket to get to its destination. In this case, the home-made rocket never flew far, it hit a target nearby and the fire was made worse from unspent fuel that wrecked havoc on the hospital in that sector in the Gaza Strip, an area where hundreds of kilometers of sneaky hidden tunnels and secret water wells have been destroyed with many shafts found in mosques and education institutions including kindergartens. Tom Llamas NBC correspondent gave you the rundown about homemade rockets, 10-18-2023 on the NBC Nightly News; ah, America’s correspondents don’t miss a beat. Evidence seems to show it came from a nearby launch quite possibly not even Hamas but a splinter group, and then somehow something went wrong and fired prematurely.
Also by using very modern technology, which did not exist in WWII, Hamas terrorists were caught talking to each other (above video) red-handed that there was some “boo-boo.” That is something of critical importance, where either the world will determine if it becomes an international (courtesy of India Today) important part of history or an antidote swept aside to create a self-described public opinion. From France 10-18-2023, courtesy of Forbes Breaking News. As Reich Minister of Propaganda Nazi Germany Joseph Goebbels would often state, amidst a world of tensions, repeat something often enough and the people will believe it. With these news reports from CNN and MSNBC ( 10-18-2023 about the tension, it clearly portrays escalation, unless the report from MSNBC bears fruit.
III. Continuing with the Best information on Fatima
This passage to the story of Fatima is through a foray of ancient records, a port to the past. In Isaiah 40: 26 it asks, “Who created all these?” This was in relation to the stars. “Lift your eyes and look to the heavens…He who brings out the starry host one by one…” It was the power of God.
Our galaxies have over a hundred billion stars.
We are about 40 trillion kilometers from the closest star to us. Our Sun is 150 million kilometers away from us. Two planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, which compose 2 planets in our galaxy, are part of an inner working of our Milky Way, which is in turn composed of 100 billion planets. All that, the God of creation put everything into motion. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth. There ensued light. In Luke chapter 21, Jesus speaks about signs in the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.
There is a psalm by the man after God’s own heart, David who wrote: “For the director of music. A psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words (knowledge) to the end of the world.” Psalms 19:1-4.
So God divided the light from the darkness. And, on dry land and on the waters the firmament dominated by the seeds of man whom God created, grew upon the Earth, but they did not sat upon the Earth but growing in abundance in spirit, wisdom, and arrogance material or not, they sought a journey to the stars. They also brought great wails of war, terror and subjugation, beside goodness, and God saw. Both human strengths and weaknesses. Man by the 21st Century yielded unimaginable human nuances, all manner, from the minutest to great wonders in technology and science, and many saw no need to declare the glory of God. And, decade after decade they ruled the light, creating new lights of truth onto themselves. And, God saw diversity not onto his image. The living souls and hearts poured out onto this Earth multiplying like sands on the beach or stars of the heavens. They made their earth none greater than they, flinging away God; nothing could restrain them, enapsulated with the power of transistors and the language of their computers. Madness grew, mockery of God grew, too, upon the face of the Earth despite computerization. From the songs of human hearts, God saw how weak human nature is. Human hearts are weak with both the subjective sign and the objective sign. So in the journey of life, what forms the subjective and the objective mind?
Subjectively, things that are not truly based on hard-core facts and are open to a greater interpretation, form the subjective mind. Object signs are not influenced by emotions, opinions and personal feelings. Things objectively are mainly based on facts and are measurable. If we reach for the stars, not everything that I present here will meet with an eye to objectivity, yet when it comes to the historical realm, dates and facts emerge as accurate. Some of the forthwith signs in this section have a meaning, whether you believe them to be signs from God is another question, yet if they are signs from God, they are indispensable, and have a purpose--yes, they are not laws--not necessarily of the Bible, but, historically, are absolute.
Jesus in relation to the term “Signs” spoke of things that come from the vault of the sky, to serve as markers in time, or as the Bible put it, those signs that “mark sacred times, and days and years.”
The Hebrew word from the Bible is Mobad, ימים חשובים מוחבד meaning important days as Malachy Martin said. It involves the star of Bethlehem. I went in search of the Christmas Star of Bethlehem, whereupon some 2000 years ago, three wise men and their entourage, travelled from distant lands toward Jerusalem, because of an astronomical sign. They did not know to where exactly but, it turned out to be a little town called Bethlehem.
It was a phenomenal era 2000 years ago with a special sign, which appeared to the three wise men. My immense thank you to 100huntley for this historical link
In 2020, a rare conjunction and believed by some as similar in Importance as that of two thousand years ago, made a pronouncement to scientists.
An absolute astronomical event occurred on Dec. 21, 2020.
Were news on the Christmas Star of 2020 a repeat of the one two millennia ago, christening the coming of the New Age of the Messiah? or just a false connection, or of something new? Dive into the possibilites of what the extraordinary Christmas Star of the Middle East could be, perhaps, in conjunction to what is revealed on BBC, courtesy of Miguel Monteiro.
The advent of the Messiah is historically traced to the time of Herod, but also within our framework, has a corollary, it is traced to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which is a story adding another dimension. Perhaps, you have heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which even to this day there are still discoveries. My immense gratitude to the TODAY show (4 mins). They were only found in the late 1940s and reinforces the historical era and the coming of the anointed one, courtesy 100huntley.
The Dead Sea fragments are not so far from the region of Sumer, the land where civilization first began. The message of Sodom and Gomorrah is a pinhole venture to monotheism and the ancient prophets of the Bible; one day we will explore the story of Sodom, one of 5 sinning cities. The kings of Ur could be traced to demigods, and we are including this documentary, for educational purposes, courtesy of Fall of Civilizations. This lasts 1 hour.
To fundamental Christians and non-fundamental Christians, Jesus of Nazareth is seen as Jesus Christ, Savior and Son of God. His mother is Mary. The story of Fatima is related to His mother Mary. She transcends every custom, race, creed, color and culture.
The true story of Fatima echoes in history to 1917, and features what is considered by historians difficult to describe for it contains some pretty peculiar and unfathomable aspects, including an unbelievable event that was witnessed by over 70,000 people--a multitude greater than what can squeeze into a basketball size auditorium, including the Staple Center of the Los Angeles Lakers or Madison Square Garden of the New York Knicks or any other pro-ball club.
Not everything in this section will be in full accord with you, and I respect your views. Nevertheless, for a majority of Roman Catholics, the Mother of Jesus Christ holds special powers of divinity, due to the fact that She is above all earthly mothers, because She is the only mother of Jesus Christ. This does not take away from the belief in the Holy Trinity. Keep in mind, all things connected with Fatima are not to show veneration to Blessed Mary above God—If one thinks that, one is intellectually missing the entire point. The origin of Fatima is covered in detail in the book Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets. What if, as some people believe, Fatima concerns events of the future of the human race? A corollary: ever so often there can be signs in the heavens that may portent our future, and to this can be added the words of St. Luke.
From Luke 21: 25 it is written “And there shall be signs in the Sun, in the moon, and in the stars…”
To make matters even more peculiar, there is scripture from Matthew that was spoken by Jesus, with a mention of Jonah. Yes, Jonah of the whale story. However, there is something more to it than a whale and the connection he came out alive thanks to his trust in God. It involves a generation that practices adultery, and it has to be big time otherwise why make it a point to mention it? Look at Matthew 16:4: “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the Sign of Jonah.”
What is this Sign of Jonah? Some scholars say Jesus was speaking about the ancient pharisees. Others draw a parallel to them but that there will be people who want tons of proof as signs however, they will not be given many. Matthew quotes Jesus as answering that they will be given but one that stands out amongst that wicked generation of peoples. For the evil generation, whoever they might be, they will receive one. In a conversely manner, those who love the Messiah will see more than one. Jonah, it should be remembered, travelled to the lowlands of Iraq and her great cities, and to Nineveh (present-day Mosul). A forgotten era to most young people where existed the great Assyrians who even conquered the thrones of Egypt. Historians believe Jonah lived circa 7 centuries before Christ.
It so happens that a great eclipse occurred in 763 B.C.
This eclipse crossed north of Nineveh on June 15
during the reign of King Ashur-dan III.
(Courtesy of the Calvary Chapel, Oklahoma City.)
Before Jonah arrived, history saw a series of ill events that struck Nineveh, such as earthquakes, civil disturbances, and war. The story of Nineveh, a huge city that took 3 days to cross it, involves ashes and repentance. In Jonah, Jonah issued a warning that in 40 days it would be destroyed, unless the inhabitants repented. God does not leave anything to chance. Their eclipse of June 15 was one of the most famous solar eclipses of the Ancient World, recorded by eyewitnesses in cuniform tablets, the Assyrian Eponym Canon.
Historically, the eclipse is called the Bur-Sagate Eclipse. That eclipse was one of the signs and omens that caused Nineveh to repent big-time, including the great King Ashur-dan III. The King put on a sack cloth and sat down in ashes. He proclaimed do not let people or animals eat or drink. Let everyone call on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. And, they listened, and changed their evil ways. The story of the Assyrian Eponym Canon is traced to Sir Henry Rawlinson, linguist expert in ancient Persian who engaged in translations during the mid 1800s. He had no idea that what he studied would one day be used to verify the Sign of Jonah analogy to our present-day era.
Sister Sasagawa issued this rare pronouncement on October 13, 1973. This is before she passed away. On October 6, 2019, one of her final messages, if not the final one she was allowed to say publicly, mentioned to cover oneself in ashes, probably some coded reference to what King Ashur-dan III did.
Learning about Fatima is not a demonstration of old, past outmoded positions! Since when does Christ's love and His Mother’s love for all Christians, become outmoded?; in fact, their love is for everybody.
About 1500 years before the world’s fastest typesetting machine—which sets type at 1,000 characters per second—is in operation, the Bible, as we now know it, was set in the form we have come to know.
Thousands of years ago quite a few parts of the Bible were just prophecies, but it was still the Word of God.
What if today’s struggles deal with a part of the Bible that is a prophecy and pertinent?
Saint Augustine describes that not everyone has the same gift of understanding, and that those of us who are less gifted, because we have less intelligence, have lesser obligations. However, the essential obligation is the same for everybody; in other words, we must all believe what the Bible teaches if you are Christian.
In the Catholic Faith, Saint Thomas Aquinas is held in high esteem. Saint Thomas says that if you know Scripture, you must believe it with divine faith, because God revealed it.
Inside the story of Fatima are truth and falsehoods which exist on the web, or can be found that are exposed in the ebook itself.
Not too many years ago, there appeared on the scene a man--a very learned man: theologian, multi-linguist, archeologist, exorcist, and Professor of Paleography at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, author, one revered and respected by both Catholic and non-Catholic alike, of whom I mentioned above. His name is Rev. Malachi Martin. He was not only one of the earliest historians to study the Dead Sea Scrolls, he helped people understand the story of Fatima. Not every day do you meet such a man.
Rev. Martin led a remarkable life, being a man of the cloth for over 50 years and encompassed the turbulent wave of change that flowed from the 1960s. He was interviewed by Art Bell, unfortunately, George Noory never had him as his guest on Coast To Coast. That is George Noory's weakness, that when it comes to Fatima, the truth is left much to be desired, as of Saint Patrick's Day. Documentation, for the record, came out in the early 2000s from the North American Province of Jesuits, that Father Martin actually remained a Roman Catholic priest in good standing until his death. Bishop da Silva (below) who lived before the turbulent era, seen in color.
Malachi Martin's Catholic Church was swept by fundamental change in that decade.
And, within that change began a slow about-face on the story of Fatima.
Toward the start of the year 2000, both the head of the Congregation of the Faith and the Secretary of State—two head honchos of the Catholic Church, if not the most powerful and influential persons in Rome after the Pope—issued a writing that Fatima belongs to the last century, and made a testament to the world by naming only one Catholic reverend in their summation of Fatima in 2000—for the record, he, of all things, was a man who called Fatima in the dynamics of history an imaginative invention in the minds of the three seers interwoven in fantasy. Moreover, when something is fantasy, why should you believe it? right? That it was akin to fantasy is terribly incorrect. No other man of the cloth is mentioned in the special Vatican proclamation of 2000. And, this line of 2000 is studied closely by our author.
But, Malachi Martin, who had died July, 1999, and who was given the rarest of opportunities to become intimately involved with Fatima, never took such a road, which brings up the question of how important is this story of Fatima?
[The book Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets is exceptional, providing answers.]
#1. Fatima occurred a very long time ago, before many of you were born.
#2. It is the story of a series of apparitions.
#3. The most important said event took place as the last apparition on Oct. 13, 1917.
#4. It involved an event witnessed by over 70,000 human beings of various faiths and beliefs, scientists and nonscientists, conservatives and liberal thinkers, religious and anti-religious, and after it happened was so great and scary, every newspaper reporter who covered the event felt compelled to write about it, be they Catholic or not, including representatives from the London Times.
#5. In a long lost 1982 text from the English Edition of L'Osservatore Romano, St. John Paul II said, "the messages of Fatima are deeply rooted in Scripture and Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church." i
It had rained the entire night and morning, but when it was over on that October 13th, 1917 the people who were there had no logical earthly scientific explanation why everything was dry. According to eyewitness Lucia dos Santos, the Blessed Mother outstretched her hand upward, and the solar disk danced. When it was over, everybody’s clothes of the multitudes were dry, your shoes and shoelaces, dresses, caps and capes, every leaf and blade of grass was dry. The mud was gone. Everything was dry, as if by magic. If you want to get really religious, a Rev. Joseph de St. Marie said it is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. ie. it is an apocalyptic sign. The event–as a student of history–cannot be denied, and reinforces it was a dramatic historical event of profoundness. Why did it happen? we are left with the question. It was as if someone was trying to tell us something, that a profound event of miraculous origin had to be shown to make sure there would be no mistake that it did not occur. To prevent future historians from saying it could not, and did not happen.
So what is it's significance?
Part of the message involves a spreading of evil, a semi-nocturnal combat filled with explosive time-delays and booby-traps, it is the old gig of the combat scenarios between the forces of good and evil, except, that to loose means it turns into a real individual thing, it is not a happening of a far-away lullaby land from the voice of an ancient. It is one as real as that human occurrence of October 13, 1917.
If you loose, you cut your soul from God, forever. It is as they say an eternal damnation.
From the time of its inception to its finality, "the Miracle of the Sun", that power which came from God, in less than 12 minutes was over.
But, the semi-nocturnal combat is still going on. That it occurred is undeniable, and it has more to do with whether you call Mary the Blessed Mother or not. It goes beyond mere mortal beliefs, for even the anticlerical atheist reporters who were there and witnessed Oct. 13, 1917 first-hand called it beyond the laws of nature.
#6. The place where Fatima took place has a link to St. Nuno.
Read and learn about St. Nuno in this informative PDF on St. Nuno.
In the town of Ourem in the 12th Century lived a Moorish Princess named Fatima-Oureana. Her name was given to the towns of Ourem and Fatima. An unknown saint of Portugal by the name of Nuno Alvares Pereira grew up just outside Ourem. He was of a noble family. He lived during the Great Western Schism, a time in the history of the Roman Catholic Church (1378 to 1417) when there were two, and later three, rival popes each with his own Sacred College of Cardinals. Soon after the death of King Ferdinand, there was an uprising in Lisbon. On December 6, 1383, John of Aviz sneaked in to the royal palace and killed Count Jaoa Andeiro, the lover of Leonor. Riots ensued. The Bishop of Lisbon was thrown out the window from the north tower of his cathedral. Soon after, John I of Castile decided not to prolong the situation and marched on Portugal.
Nuno was a 25-year old knight when in 1385 led an army of King John I of Portugal against an army much more greater than his, at the battle of Aljubarrota. They were fighting an army of King John of Castile. Nuno’s brother Pedro was on the Castilian's side; he was Prior of the Hospitalers. Nuno had 25 siblings, but unlike his brothers and sisters, he had an ardent devotion to our Blessed Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ her only Son. A richer narrative is told in the following PDF. One of Nuno's descendants was Catherine of Bragan who became Queen Consort of England by her marriage to Charles II and in whose honor the Borough of Queens, New York was named. Throughout his military career, Nuno reminded his troops they were fighting for a holy cause, to pray, to be respectful and be merciful to their enemies.
#7. From 1917 onward, the world has heard the term the Third Secret of Fatima. As time passed, however, it gradually filtered into oblivion, particularly with the young. It remained thus for numerous decades.
It also coincides with something called the Great Warning.
IV. Unprecedented Solar Displays
During WW II, historians sometimes had to work with military intelligence/code-breaking. During the course of my intense research involving Fatima, you could say some things associated like those associated with Maj. Dames were connected to military intelligence, and I had to quietly track stories that seemed unrelated and secretive.
For decades, concerning Fatima: A) People worldwide in connection with that apparition of mysterious powers and origin have heard that 3 secrets were imparted by the Lady. She had appeared to 3 children and gave them 3 secrets, one of which involved the appearance of strange lights that were to be seen before “another” great war. Needless to say, that great war was the Second World War. B) The lights appeared in 1938, about one and a half years before the start of WW II.
Do you worry that history can be repeated and that it could be repeated in your neck of the woods? [Unless we want to worry ourselves to death, that should not be the case.]
Incidentally, please paste these 3 historical years inside your head. The eclipse of August 11, 1999. A solar disturbance of March 2001 which formed a leading candidate for another appearance of unusual lights before another world war was prophesied; it brought unprecedented solar displays that we nt beyond normal displays.
And, the sacrilegious date of May 5, 2004, when--and this sounds too utterly fantastic-- a worship of pagan gods in the famous Fatima Shrine in Portugal took place allowing the Fatima Shrine to be desecrated.
They are time markers. One can only wonder how important the great auroral displays of October 2024 will be. [Their immensity were in terms of displays, awesome, as described by the following various links: the exit of a G4 Geomagnetic Storm started it all, however in terms of the one of Mar. 2001 did not surpass it, but did surpass May 2024; stunning New England; or South Africa; Glascow,Scotland; Connecticut; Maryland and Virginia; N. Yorkshire, UK; Denver and environs; Sacramento, California; Big Bear, San Bernardino National Forest, California; N. Carolina; Louisiana; Minnesota; Near Chicago; Washington and Idaho; the Northern Lights captured dancing on ABC World News Tonight, Oct. 11, 2024 (adv to 17.20 mark.) Maine. New Mexico; Arizona. Over Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware. Canada was no exception, nor was Eyre Peninsula, Australia, Sonora, Mexico, or Georgia, and San Diego county, way down south, all Oct. 11 except Sonora which was Oct. 10. Around the world. The March 2001 solar disturbance is detailed in the newest version of Alert: For The Times.]
Our Real Earth as it looked in 2001 when hit by an aurora.
The above photograph happened in the U.S. and is real. (It seems Earth was again in a magical display of aurora that was quite exceptionally dazzling, when after a huge solar flare and CME erupted July 21, 2022, the northern portion of the United States and Canada were hit July 23 that was covered all over on the news channels.) The two aurora photographs included in this section are part of history. These photographs, shot over quite a distance and just a few that were taken by many people, exemplify a display in the heavens, March 30/31, 2001, that was quite extreme at night, as if the skies were painted in many latitudes. Notwithstanding, not one photo is retouched in Photoshop. Look up those particular dates in space or NOAA. If you lived in cities like NYC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Detroit, your skies were not clear; that was unfortunate for you. The second photo is from New Zealand, taken by Professor Petrich, an eyewitness who remembers it well.
Time Markers, Catholic statistics, Hitler and Napolean
Hitler and Napoleon lived as terrible Antichrists in their world, among other ones. An axiom of the 3rd Antichrist is his hatred and loathe for Christianity. And unless you are blind, the Catholic Church, as led by Rome, has been dwindling in most industrialized so-called advanced countries in terms of priests, nuns, the practice of Sunday worship and the faith. That, unfortunately, gives impetus to an Antichrist.
Every fact regarding Fatima and all statistics on this page are accurate and precise. It stings, to some, to recite the following Catholic statistics:
in 1965, there were 126,000 adult baptisms; in 2002 it fell to 80,000, and plummeted to 44,544 in 2014. The Franciscan Order had 2,251 seminarians in 1965; in 2000, only 60.
There were 10,503 parochial schools in America in 1965 with about 4.5 million students—in 2002, the numbers are 6,623 and 1.9 million, respectively.
For a quick rundown, in 1958, about 74% of Catholics in the U.S. attended Sunday Mass—now, it is below 22%. Native American, Asian and Pacific Islander comprise about 2. 9 million Catholics each, with the largest community being Filipino. There are about 2.1 million Black American Catholics. There are about 29.7 million Hispanic Catholics in the U.S.A.--interestingly, the percentage of these who are under age 18 are 60%. Total population that speaks Spanish is 56.8 million. And, don't get the funny idea that everything since WW II has gone downhill. in 1955, there were 46,970 priests in the United States. In 1960: 53,796 priests. In 1965, there were nearly 60,000. In 1970, there were 59,192 priests in the U.S. While the Catholic population in the U.S. increased between 1970-2020, the number of priests was nothing but a drop, drop in numbers by 40% nationally, while the decrease of Catholic marriages declined 78%. So, it is no surprise that of Generation X adults (those born 1961-1981) 27.2% of the general population declare themselves as Catholic, while in terms of Millennials (born 1982 or later) it is 22.8%; translation for the last stats, about 77% of this younger set are not Catholic or don't practice Catholicsim. So when it comes to the story of the miracles of Fatima or Akita, no wonder to them the stories are like from another world, however, this is interesting: of the 22.8% who are U.S. Millennial Catholics, 54% are Hispanic. Close to 75% of the Filipino community are Christian, while over 57% declare themselves as Catholic; 9% evangelical Christian. A low 20% say they are not affiliated with any religion in terms of adult, but it is difficult to obtain stats in terms of Millennial Filipinos. By far, the state with the greatest number of Filipinos outdistances second place Hawaii, 1,651,933 vs 367,364 as of the 2020 census. Number one is California.
In 1975, three years before St. John Paul II became Pope, there existed 58,909 priests in America. In 2000, it dropped to 45,713 even though the population has skyrocketed. As of 2021, there were 34,923 priests (in 2015 it was 38,260.) Over the period 1965-2021, the number of priests in the U.S. fell by around 40%. The decline in graduate level seminarians (up to 2018) is even higher, at 57%. The number of permanent deacons has grown since 1975 and the 2021 figure of 18,619 now means that there is approximately 1 deacon for every 2 priests. Quietly, the number of Catholic sisters have shrunken in like fashion. Once, there were 180,000 sisters in Catholic parochial schools in 1965 (backbone of education and health systems.) It fell to 103,269 in 1990, 42,441 in 2019 and down to 39,452 in 2022. There were 3.4 million students in Catholic elementary in 1970, 1.8 million in 2000, dropping to 1.2 million in 2019, but rose slightly to 1.3 in 4 years because they included middle schools. The Maryland public school system was one of the last to return to full in-person learning and, according to the Baltimore Sun, many parents transferred them to Catholic schools. The latest stats in both primary and secondary Catholic schools are difficult to obtain, however one year after COVID-19 began, pre-kindergarten enrollment in almost every state had an increase, with Utah and California leading the way, 137% and 134% increases respectively.
Secondary school-age teens in parish religious education in 1970 1.3 million, but by 2019, 527,344. In 1970 there existed 1,986 Catholic secondary schools; in 1980:1,549; in 1990: 1,324; in 2005: 1,325; in 2015: 1,200; in 2019: 1,199, but the secondaries also rose within 4 years to 1,205. Students in Catholic secondary schools went from 1.008 million in 1970 to 555,901 in 2019, and 569,395 in 2023, counting high schools and middle schools. All momentums were lousy during the height of the pandemic, nationwide, 71 Catholic schools were closed, permanently. The 2021-2022 Catholic school year saw 520,500 high school students and 1,167,917 grammar school students. In my fair city of Los Angeles, however, it all went against the grain, there were increases! The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles which has 255 elementary and high schools from L.A. and the valleys to Ventura and Santa Barbara counties--sorry, not San Bernardino or Orange counties--had a 2-year upswing. Whether they will reopen the 10 parochial schools and one high school that closed during the pandemic deserves to be seen. My state of California, incidentally, has seen public school enrollment drop for the fifth year in a row, as of mid-2022. Nationally, the majority of Catholic voters, interestingly, oppose biological boys who identify as girls competing against biological girls on school sports teams. The only set of good statistics are students in Catholic colleges and universities, from 411 thousand to 765 thousand in 2020. First Communions going back to 1989: 849,919. In 2018 it hit 600,816.
Baptisms of infants in 1980 were 943,632. In 2000: 996,199. In 2010: 806,138. In 2019: 582,331. In 2022: below 500,000. Catholics who attended Mass every week (survery-based estimate) in 1970, 54.9%; in 1980, 42.2%; in 1990, 32.5%; in 2000, 30.8%; in 2010, 24.2%; in 2015, 23.4%; in 2019, 21.1%. Some say it is now in the range of 17.3%, unverified. There were 426,309 Catholic marriages in 1969, but in 2018, 137,885 despite the fact the number of Catholics in the United States has grown by 27.6 million to 73.2 million, from 1965 to 2021. And, I wonder how many know their Bible? Believe it or not, around 20% are foreign born, around 14.9 million. A point of reference to all these number diminishments is the growth in Africa, a zone of growth in the last quarter in the 20th Century by 6,790%, in terms of her population. The continent of South America used to be #1 in terms of the greatest number of Catholics, not any more. A tremendous growth of Catholics rose in Africa from 4 million to over 250 million; not 130 million. What a reference. Back to our calamitous topic, in America, 4,269 Catholic sisters, brothers and religious order priests belong to religious communities that receive financial support and/or services from the Retirement Fund for Religious. The average Social Security benefit for religious today is approximately $6,047.71; for other Americans, the average benefit is $15,936.
On May 3, 2007, in a disquieting interview with George Noory on Coast To Coast AM, David Booth admitted to him he is a relative of Sister Lucia, and related about things relative to the End Times (Revelation); such as the breaking apart of seven seals, according to the interpretation. A lot of people do not understand the reign of the Antichrist, and how it will come out in the open and enter the world-stage in full brightness during the era of Terrorism. The 3rd Antichrist is here, according to three subjects in Alert: For The Times, David Booth, Fr Wingate and Maj. Ed Dames, but has not commenced his big public climb. That is quite possible to happen during the turmoil of the Seventh Seal.
David Booth
Remote Viewing Lucia
Few are strangely aware that Dames has talked about an outside planetoid that passes by Earth. Amazingly, he went on the air on the program Feet to the Fire, hosted by James Arthur Jancik, on December 18, 2005, and just before the final segment of the interview ended, he carefully announced a magnificent interpretation of the Fatima Secret. It was something he had never said publicly before. Basically, it is a hidden revelation of deep concern which he had never announced before in the entire world. It is related in the history ebook. Nevertheless, there will be many who will refuse to even listen to the announcement, especially if they never heard of Maj. Dames and his connection to Fatima.
George, my brother, Maj. Dames, and the author who squirmed.
A Similarity between Booth and Dames
There is a similarity between what Booth and Dames believe will happen. Booth had a dream repeated 10x before it came true. The world of dreams was repeated another 10x as a completely different dream in 2004, from a mysterious void he shared his memories what was locked away in that dream, one rescued from oblivion in my book. Booth had a sibling, who was a nun. She lived in Egypt, but was brutally murdered, and that bit of information you will not find on the internet listed elsewhere. Some stories of Booth you will interact with the web, but, be careful, some are false. Some things are never mentioned by scores of people who tattle-tale that Booth was a total fake. It is significant that both stories of Booth and Dames are similar. He did not know that. But, if both foresee the same to occur on Earth, how disturbing can it possibly be? Needless to say, the Sun in a Solar Maximum could be a possibility. I delve into all this in my special report associated with my book.
The entire story revolves around one of the repeated visitations of the Blessed Mother Mary and Sister Lucia and the so-called Third Secret of Fatima, which is composed of two parts.
Listen very carefully.
David told George Noory, “Remember that I also said that the prioress has the report that the new star will soon shine.”
Fatima message on Feet To The Fire
On Feet to the Fire, on October 6th, David said Sister Lucia had spoken to him, and that he had been allowed to record the brief conversation, and that what he dreamed was part of the intricate Fatima message. It contains ominous overtones. Mr. Booth, for the record, when he reappeared on the air three years later on May 3, 2007, with host George Noory on Coast To Coast, he never mentions October 6th. On the website of that May 3rd, Coast To Coast, not a word is mentioned or noted that he is a relative of Sister Lucia. Over the air, he had read a message which is detailed in our stunning 370+page history book.
Some 85 years ago, a great and horrible war—mini compared to WW II—was inflicting the people of Spain known as the Spanish Civil War, with slaughters everywhere. But, in tiny Portugal, a country next door to Spain, some three hundred thousand were in Fatima to hear a Consecration become enacted by Catholic bishops. As for much of the rest of the world, they were certain the crisis and savagery in Spain would eventually spread to Portugal. The following PDF is from page 89 of my book, Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets. It is the Consecration that saved Portugal. And, the power of God was shown. It is a historical snapshot of the official Consecration prayed by the bishops of Portugal
While it does not involve Russia, this involved the nation of Portugal. Notice, it mentions the object of Consecration, it asks to be defended from the furious winds of death, and it is mindful of Jesus Christ, by asking His mother to present the petition to our most powerful Savior. Also, note the word “consecrate.” A word that is not left out. AN INVISIBLE HAND OF GOD PROTECTED that country.
George Noory and Father Wingate
On March 22, 2022, as America was watching Congress do proceedings involving the +/- of a historic confirmation of the first female Black Chief Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the winds of darkness swept over American terror-stricken people—in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Mississipi, Louisiana—who got smacked by a fierce tornado outbreak (at least 40 tornadoes reported before 9pm), talk of some Omicron Subvariant BA.2, this author located the actual text of the Consecration set for March 25, 2022, exactly 38 years to the date after St. John Paul II attempted a Consecration.
Mel Gibson and his wife visited the Carmelite convent of Sister Lucia in 2004.
Abbreviated Historical Keypoints in PDF on the left. This is only a small sample of what is available with the publication of the informative digital book; Keypoints in total involve over 77 pages. This entire superb chronology actually begins in 1917 and encompasses the present era.
The PDF on the right is on a Consecration performed by Pope Francis in Rome, Italy March 25, 2022. Words, which we should not forget, that he said, "Set aside rigidity, and obstacles." However, we shall see if something constructive develops or not.
George Noory asked Father Wingate on September 23, 2004, during another Coast To Coast show his opinion about David Booth. Wingate could not say much because he knew very little about it. He related a story about Wingate’s theologian who just a few weeks before had also went to Portugal. He had no appointment or special permission from any big shot, but when he got to Coimbra he had at least planned to hand a letter to be given to Sister Lucia.
Wingate stated he believes Sister Lucia was given some special intuition on who wants to see her, and when God wants her to see somebody there is a way. Wingate’s theologian was allowed to see the nun, and even better got to converse with her for over an hour. And, with that being said, nothing is impossible. He also said his theologian had met David and was told nothing. The most distinct series of messages are certainly provided by Rev. Wingate and Mr. Booth. They seem to have messages of doom and gloom by themselves but, that is not the most noteworthy. The transfiguration of information, symbolic or not, matches many things that pertain to other messengers. Wingate’s and Booth’s messages resemble data points that Dames briefly mentions. What is disconcerting is that certain things Wingate and Booth mention are in reference to many things said in Fatima, La Salette and Garabandal (with Mother Angelica and Maria Saraco and may take forever to download.) Until now, all these warnings and messages have never been tied together before, in any media. Please keep in mind the words of Fr Oliveira and visit this website after Oct. 13, with new messages if announced will be available on the web page Anniversary 1961-2021.
“I write in obedience to you my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine.
“After the two parts which I have already explained, at the left of Our Lady and a little above, we saw an Angel with a flaming sword in his left hand. Flashing, it gave out flames that looked as though they would set the world on fire, but they died out in contact with the splendor that Our Lady radiated towards him from her right hand: pointing to the Earth with his right hand, the Angel cried out in a loud voice: Penance, Penance, Penance!
“And we saw in an immense light that is God: something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it, a bishop dressed in white. We had the impression that it was the Holy Father. Other bishops, priests, men and women religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins. And half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other bishops, priests, men and women religious, and various laypeople of different ranks and positions. Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two Angels each with a crystal aspersorium [a vessel that holds holy water] in his hand, in which they gathered up the blood of the Martyrs and with it sprinkled the souls that were making their way to God. January 3, 1944:” Sister Lucia (Third Secret.)
A Baroque painting by Johann Melchoir Georg Schmittdner c. 1700 titled Mary Untier of Knots.
There is a story behind that, and it goes a German nobleman was distressed his wife planned to divorce him. To save his marriage, he sought help from a Jesuit who brought the couple together with their wedding ribbon. In this time period it was customary for the maid of honor to tie together the arms of the bride and groom. This uniting of arms with a ribbon symbolized their union for life.
Before an image of Our Lady of Snows, the Jesuit took the white ribbon and untied the knots one by one. When he finished, the ribbon became dazzling white. This was taken as confirmation that Mary had heard their prayers. Fortunately, the divorce was averted, and the couple remained happily married. The painting has survived wars and revolutions, and continues to draw people to it. Today, the original still hangs over the family altar found at the Church of St. Peter am Perlach in Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany. It is aka Mary Undoer of Knots.
V. Consecration and an era of peace?
The word consecration plays an important part in regards Fatima. It has been stated, with the proper accomplishment of consecration, a beautiful rare illuminant era of world peace would appear. History has not ensconced it. [Addendum: Even as late as November 2023]. In 1942, the Pope of that time, Pius XII, performed a Consecration---twice, via radio in Fatima on October 31 and from Rome on December 8.
The world since then has had no peace.
Forty years later, in 1982, Pope John Paul II attempted a Consecration.
The world since, still sees no peace.
Then, in 1984, the same Pope retries a new Consecration, naming the world.
The world since then has had no peace.
In the year 2000, the same Pope this time in the company of 1500 Catholic bishops attempts a public act of consecration, something the history books called "an Act of Entrustment."
In the years between 2013 and 2022, it is said Pope Francis attempted two new Consecrations.
Nevertheless, we still have war which includes the start of something so sinister and hideous in the Middle East as of late October 2023, we can only pray the 120+ hostages are saved, else be prepared for horrors unparalleled.
Because the Consecrations were not done not in the way the Blessed Mother requested:.
War and its tentacles of despair and ugly death still rages on.
Triple examples 2023-2024, a new war begun with Hamas launching over 4,500 rockets and massacres in Israel the month of Oct 2023 (with over 1500 people killed in the first week) followed a year later with Iran launching nearly 200 missiles on Israel Oct 2024 (with a potential to become globally worse), and a war-torn Mariupol, once called Illich after Lenin during the heyday of the USSR. Mariupol, or Marianopol is incidentally named after the second wife of a Crown Prince in1779 or the Blessed Mother of Jesus, Maria, and the Hodegetria icon of the Holy Theotokos, depending who you talk to. All of Ukraine ,which contains Mariupol, has been engulfed in a bitter war since 2022. Once a beautiful seaport city, it used to look like this a measly 5 years ago.
Because of the supernatural-like story of our book which is multi-faceted, you will cross the bridge of magical displays to the immersion of the geo-physical.
Each of the above times, the word consecration had appeared on center stage and was done according to the way each Pope had seen fit, each his own way, his own style.
A pastoral letter here, a super-secret private affair there, a false sense of it has already been done.
The Vatican also acknowledges that Consecrations had been attempted in 1952, 1964 and 2013. But, to each his own. They freeze the word and put it in a cryogenic state. And, every time they make a new attempt and “unfreeze” it, they never do what had been requested in 1917. And, that is why they keep repeating it.
“[Satan] will set up a Counter-church, which will be the ape of the Church. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content…. There will be a counterfeit Church. Christ’s Church will be one, and the False Prophet will create the other. The false Church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches and religions, forming some type of global association, a world parliament of Churches. It will be emptied of all divine content; it will be the mystical body of the Antichrist." Source: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, Communism and the Conscience of the West, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, 1948, pp. 24–25.
The story of Fatima is truly a unique breath in history that we illuminate. This Fatima Timeline is unique, and which the author acknowledges is well researched. I am a WW II historian. As of December 2023, we might be on the brink of world war. We are reminded of similar instances that happened to people because they were Jewish, who lived under misery and death, through no fault of their own, captured Jews of WW II. They were happy when liberated by Allied troops in 1945. See my detailed web page on 1945. They had been captured with one intention by Nazi captors, to be liquidated. These words apply today and echo in the camps of Hamas and Hezbollah; to capture, to liquidate—they, in essence, dream of totally liquidating all that is Israel. That part of modern history is undeniable and you can’t hide from that. Notorious and horrible crimes had also been committed in the name of Hitler’s Third Reich. To enslave, capture and exterminate people was one reason for World War Two. Are we to approach that in 2023-2024? At some point near the end of the war there were pictures—and there will be more atrocity pictures released to the public in this new war—, such as these from 1945, rare, sad, ugly; in fact, horrible things, some committed by people with power over others with no value on human life. In b/w is Ilse Koch, wife of the commandment of Buchenwald. She was known as the witch of Buchenwald. It was liberated by the United States Army in 1945. WW II American GI veteran, Rick Carrier, as demonstrated on my WW II website, told you what he remembered on April, 10, 1945 (the day before), day of liberation. Other concentration camps were liberated, including Dachau, on April 29, 1945, as related by Eric Saul who interviewed Clarence Matsumora, Nisei American GI and liberator.
Centuries ago lived an old woman who lived during the time of King Henry VIII, whose name was Ursula Southeil, better known as Mother Shipton. She made prophecies, went to live in a convent and after she died a plethora of books began to be written on the prophecies she had made, three of which were the dissolution of the monasteries (aka the suppression of monasteries whereupon the King confiscated monasteries and properties of the Church, much used to fund his wars), the Great Fire of London in 1666, and the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588. I would like to close this sector of information with a few and most intriguing predictions she made, via her verses. The photo below is a statue made with care by sculptor Chris Kelly, courtesy of BBC News.
And, now a word, in uncouth rhyme
Of what shall be in future time
Then upside down the world shall be
And gold found at the root of tree.
For in those wondrous far off days
The women shall adopt a craze
To dress like men, and trousers wear
And to cut off their locks of hair
And roaring monster with man atop
Does seem to eat the verdant crop
And men shall fly as birds do now
And give way the horse and plough
There’ll be a sign for all to see
Be sure that it will certain be.
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